[Update in Progress] Luna's Guide to Blazing Salvo Miner |All Content Viable| Cheap Boss Melting
A new bossing league means a new miner build and new content for Blazing Salvo to crush. Now that the swarm leagues have taken a break and the buffs on defensive auras are here, there's a new opportunity for Blazing Salvo miner to be brought back into the meta. Pros: -Strong league starter -Can run any map mods, as long as you have a spare mana flask laying around -Melts bosses in seconds with little investment -Low starting budget, but can be invested in to improve both clear speed and boss damage -Surprisingly tanky with damage reduction and regen from Sabo ascendancy, Determination, and Divine Shield Cons: -Clear speed isn't incredible, though it is still fast (can't use explode chest) -Low Life build, so no panic life flasks -Can be overwhelmed by enemies if you're not careful (Ultimatum and Scourge were not kind to this build) -Can struggle with no regen and less recovery rate maps (still runnable though, just need to take them slow) -Mine playstyle can take some time to get used to -No Blazing Salvo MTX yet (GGG please) PoB with leveling skill trees: https://pastebin.com/46PHFcez I use the community fork for PoB available here if you don't have it: https://pathofbuilding.community/ Changelog
{3.18 Archnemesis League} Atlas expansion and boss league, perfect for Blazing Salvo mines. Marks also have received a QoL change making them last forever meaning we can use a much stronger version of Assassin's Mark without needing to constantly cast it. [Warning] Because the spell base-damage changes only kick in at high levels, but the nerfs to the mine supports happened at all levels, I now HIGHLY recommend using a default mine skill until at least act 3 now, Stormblast and Pyroclast should both be fine to start with, just make sure to level Blazing Salvo and Blastchain in off-hand or something so you can switch when they're usable {3.17 Scourge League} Defensive auras buffed, miners are back on the menu, but league mechanic is way too swarm-y and Eye of Winter handles much better with freeze {3.16 Expedition League} Support gems nerfed, (oof) build is almost unplayable, Eye of Winter is a much better alternative {3.15 Ultimatum League} Chainbreaker, Vitality, and Harvest crafting all nerfed, build is playable, but damage is severely lowered Thanks for all your support on the build and good luck with next league launch! Theory
We can use a ton of strong, underutilized mechanics to boost our damage astronomically with this build. 1. Blazing Salvo - Lends itself very well to the mine playstyle, when targeted far away, projectiles spread out over a large area for add clear, but when targeted close, they can all hit a single target, even with very little aoe scaling 2. Flame wall - Adds flat fire damage to any projectile that passes through any part of it 3. Frost shield - Adds a protective shield around us and flat crit chance, enough to rival the extremely powerful Hatred Watcher's Eye or legacy Bottled Faith for the cost of a single socket. Combine with Molten Shell or another guard skill to become almost immune to damage for the first 10,000-ish damage taken. It is enough on its own with our regen to tank most small an medium boss attacks entirely (Can easily face-tank Maven's 'Cascade of Pain' and 'Dodge This' fireball attacks) 4. Snakepit - Due to the unique properties of Blazing Salvo, Snakepit is one of the best upgrades for our build, an absolutely core item. Snakepit in the left ring slot allows our spell projectiles to fork. Because of this, if any of our Blazing Salvo projectiles directly impact an enemy, they will explode, doing full damage, but then will also fork into two additional projectiles that can land close enough to overlap their explosions on the same enemy. You can fork 1 projectile per enemy hit per cast, meaning that this vastly increases clearspeed and adds 2 extra projectiles against bosses. 5. Low Life - Using Shavrone's Wrappings, we can reserve almost our entire life pool with additional auras as well as granting us the ability to use Pain Attunement for a free 30% more spell damage. 7. Crit - Crit is the most powerful scalar in the game and, starting in the Shadow region and using mines, we get excellent access crit, we can get up to almost 600% crit multi with very good crit chance as well Gem Links
6-link Blazing Salvo (Divergent preferably) - Blastchain Mine Support - Minefield Support - Charged Mines Support - Trap and Mine Damage Support - Elemental Focus Support (Awakened when you can) In order of importance If you have more than a 4-link and don't have Snakepit, I recommend using Fork Support as your 5th/6th gem. The build really thrives on the fork interaction and this will increase your damage by far more than any other support. Once you feel comfortable dropping some mine throwing speed, you can also swap Chaged Mines for Concentrated Effect Support, the AoE drop isn't enough to make shotgunning inconsistent and the damage multiplier is significantly higher than Charged Mines 4-link Arcanist Brand - Wave of Conviction - Flame Wall - Combustion Support Keep them in this order so that the brand procs WoC, then Flame Wall. Use this for bosses and anything tanky. 2-link Molten Shell - Increased Duration Support Molten Shell is very strong when using pretty much any amount of armor, Increased Duration to make it last longer 2-link Flame Dash - Enhance Support Enhance is optional here, but highly recommended to be able to Flame Dash whenever you want more consistantly Single Socket Gems Prism Guardian Gems - Anger - Determination - Herald of Ash Discipline Clarity (to drop mana flask) Summon Skitterbots Defiance Banner Frost Shield (preferably Divergent) There are two options for the placement of these aura gems. Determination and Anger always go in the Prism Guardian, but you have a choice between putting Discipline or Herald of Ash in the 3rd socket. Discipline will get +2 levels from being in the shield, but requires you to also take the life reservation mastery to be able to reserve it. If you use Herald of Ash in it, it won't get the +2 levels, but it will allow you to swap the life reservation mastery for 'increased effect of auras on you' mastery, which will give you significantly more damage. If you choose the second option, you can also pick up an unset ring as your rare ring with +3 to socketed gems for an even higher level Discipline. This ring is much harder to craft, however and I recommend just buying one if you go with this option, should be fairly cheap because unset rings are generally an undesirable base. You could also use a Portal gem if you want You may also want a level 1 Frost Bomb early until you have enough damage for some Archnemesis monsters and Metamorphs to cancel regen Leveling
[Warning] Because the spell base-damage changes only kick in at high levels, but the nerfs to the mine supports happened at all levels, I now HIGHLY recommend using a default mine skill until at least act 3 now, Stormblast and Pyroclast should both be fine to start with, just make sure to level Blazing Salvo and Blastchain in off-hand or something so you can switch when they're usable Once you leave twilight strand, pick up Stormblast Mine from Nessa, with Added Lightning Damage and Added Cold damage. When you can pick up Blazing Salvo and Blastchain Mine Support, stick them in an off-hand . ID wands and scepters early looking for +1 fire spell skill gems. Grab Flame Dash, Flame Wall, Combustion, Steelskin, and Vitality when you can as well. Drop Flame Wall directly on bosses for a significant damage boost. You can use Arcane Surge on Flame Dash, keeping it low enough level to proc when you Flame Dash exactly once for a nice buff until you get your cluster jewel. Once you get to act 2, you can pick up Skitterbots and Herald of Ash. Reserve what you can manage with your mana. Also pick up Trap and Mine Damage and Elemental Focus, level them for later. Grab Wave of Conviction and keep it at level 1, it will still have the same debuff at level 1 and won't kill you with reflect. In act 3, do the Siosa library quest to grab Charged Mines, Anger, Determination, Defiance Banner (not offered to shadow normally in act 3), and Second Wind if you want it for Flame Dash. From normal vendors you can grab Discipline to level for later, and Assassin's Mark for bosses. Try to get a 4 link by act 4 so you can swap Swift Assembly out for Minefield and Charged Mines. I don't recommend using Minefield without Charged Mines because of how slow it makes your throwing speed and how hard it locks you in place. Besides that, grab Frost shield when you can, it's nice prep for bosses and can help you be a little tankier when it's hard to move. When you get to act 6, you can pick up the rest of your gems. If you can get an early 5/6-link before you can get a Snakepit, I highly recommend swapping Elemental Focus or Trap and Mine support for Fork support. The build really thrives off of the fork interaction and it will really help with early damage. As far as gear goes, focus on life, capping resists, move speed on boots and getting enough strength to keep leveling your gems. Bases don't really matter. You can swap to Low Life once you get to maps if you have the money for a Shav's. If not, try to grab a Tremor Rod and continue as a life build for a while. I recommend trying to get to at least 4k ES before swapping. Due to the significant decrease in popularity of Low-Life builds, Shav's has actually been really cheap the past few leagues, even early, meaning Presence of Chayula is the only thing you will probably need to save to pick up, usually 1-2 ex for the first week or two. You can play the build without it, though I recommend some other form of stun mitigation until you can buy it, probably Brine King pantheon. Bandits, Ascendancy, Pantheon
Kill all bandits Ascendancy order Born in Shadows -> Pyromaniac -> Bomb Specialist -> Explosives Expert Pantheon Lunaris for clearing, Solaris for bosses, Brine King can also be used if you don't have Cannot be Frozen boots or if a freeze flask isn't consistent enough for you Abberath for annoying burning ground, Garukhan for zooming Gear
Gear shown is an example of what I am currently using. Stuff this expensive is NOT necessary to make the build do all content. As long as you focus on the things I've shown, you should be fine. Things I have listed as 'Upgrades' are things that are relatively easy to acquire, but may be a little expensive (probably because of harvest crafting) Cash Dump Upgrades are things that are almost definitely irrelevant and over the top, but if you want to min-max the build farther than where I have, that's where you go. These upgrades could cost upwards of 100 exalt. The build can do almost all content on about 5ex budget, The Feared maybe takes about 10 ex, with most gear self-crafted. Helmet
Crafted Rare Hubris Circlet: (Legacy, pre-harvest changes) Focus on getting high ES and capping resists early Upgrades: +1 Blazing Salvo Projectile Helmet Enchant Eldritch Implicits -or- -9 enemy fire resistance Flat fire damage on a double-influenced helmet (can drop this if you want to be tankier with a 3rd es prefix) Cash Dump Upgrades: Orb of Domination both bases before using the Woke orb or High tier Eldritch Implicits Alternates: Surprisingly strong for both damage and ES, but lacks in resists, don't anoint Tranquility with this, the Transfiguration of Soul does not stack Body Armour
Shavrone's Wrappings, allows us to reserve our life and use Pain Attunement without instantly dying to Chaos damage, pretty much impossible to go Low Life without it: You can use a 5-link for a while until you have enough money to upgrade to a 6 link. A 5-link with Snakepit is plenty to be able to complete your atlas on, you'll want a 6-link for bosses and map juicing though. Cash Dump Upgrades: Corrupt or double corrupt for a better implicit: +1 to level of socketed gems +2 to level of socketed aoe gems +2 to level of socketed projectile gems Gloves
Crafted Rare Fingerless Silk Gloves or Sorcerer Gloves: (Legacy, made with old Harvest) Focus on high ES and resistances Upgrades: Eldritch Implicits (for Sorcerer Gloves) -or- Unnerve on Hit (hunter) Culling Strike (warlord) Cash Dump Upgrades: High tier Eldritch Implicits Alternatives: Machina mitts: A really strong alternative, but lacks resists and also opens up a weakness to Cannot Leech maps. Need to grab Ghost Reaver to make use of them. Also allows you to run no regen maps more easily, since leech isn't regen. Crafted gloves will be much higher damage, and defenses, but also could be more expensive. If you want an upgrade for these, look for corrupted +1 frenzy ones, they shouldn't be that much more expensive Boots
Crafted Rare Sorcerer Boots: Focus on high ES, movement speed and resistances Upgrades: Eldritch Implicits Cannot be Frozen craft Cash Dump Upgrades: 35% move speed Alternatives: Sin Trek: Solid alternative to rare boots, nice flat ES and some extra dex is always appreciated. No resists though, so make sure to cap them elsewhere. Crafted boots are definitely way better Offhand
Prism Guardian Not much can be better than this, allows you to run 3 total auras on your life and juices them up significantly with extra levels. Note that the Blood Magic on the shield ISN'T the support version, so it doesn't include the 200% inc mana multiplier that the gem does. Without this shield you have to drop at LEAST one aura from your life and you'll have to shuffle them around to get them to fit. Cash Dump Upgrades: (only if you can cap res without the implicit) Corrupted or Double corrupted for: +1 to level of socketed gems +2 to level of socketed aoe gems +2 to level of socketed aura gems Weapon
Crafted Rare Wand, Rune Dagger or Sceptre (Legacy, made with old Harvest crafting) Focus on decent spell/fire damage, +1 level of fire/all spell skill gems, and crit if you can afford it, ideally an open suffix to craft mine throwing speed as well Upgrades: Tier 1 mods Fire damage as extra Chaos Damage Enchant, either elemental damage from quality from Harvest or Heist ones for increased effect of fire/caster/crit/speed mods Amulet
Chayula's Presence: Not really much of an option here, Chayula's converts life into ES, makes us stun immune and has a nice chunk of chaos res. Upgrades: Tempering catalysts (increases amount of life converter to es) Anoints: Budget Option: Heartseeker - Teal, Crimson, Crimson If you're using Crown of the Inward Eye: Snowforge - Gold, Amber, Teal Ideal Option: Tranquility - Gold, Gold, Azure Rings
Snakepit: One of the number one damage upgrades for the build, put it in your left ring slot and melt bosses. Upgrades: Imbued Catalysts (increased spell damage) Cash Dump Upgrades: Corrupted implicit (if you don't need resists): Flat fire damage Increased effect of Anger Increased effect of Discipline Increased effect of Determination Other ring: Crafted Rare, Opal or Unset ring ideally: Focus on ES, resistances, and strength if you need it, +3 levels to socketed gems if it's an unset and you want to put Discipline in it Upgrades: % increased Energy Shield (crusader) Belt
Crafted Rare Crystal Belt: Focus on high ES, resistances, and Strength if you need it Upgrades: Tempering Catalysts Essence craft for mine throwing speed or elemental pen during flask (really difficult to swing with the harvest nerfs, but still possible) Alternatives: Bated Breath: Surprisingly good belt, but doesn't have strength or resists, can be corrupted cheaply for something like increased effect of Discipline or Anger Jewels
Cluster Jewel: We want one trap and mine medium cluster, 5 passives or less Get Arcane Pyrotechnics and Guerilla Tactics Place in top left cluster jewel socket Thread of Hope: Large for the socket above Witch, Medium for the one by Templar, with manageable resists Energy from Within: Place it in jewel socket under Melding to convert that entire wheel to massive increased ES Look for a useful corrupted implicit if you want Other Jewels: Look for ES, mine throwing speed and any relevant crit multi mods At least one jewel should have a immune to Corrupted Blood implicit (this lets us drop another magic flask for a unique, even though mines don't directly hit, meaning we don't get affected by most sources of Corrupted Blood, it can still cause a lot of unwanted deaths, especially with the arcanist brand, Sirus, Corruptor Archnemesis mod, etc.) Upgrades: Watcher's eye: We use a lot of different auras, so there's a lot of different mods we can use Look for things that are relevant for the auras you use, even just one good mod can be fine, if you have the money, look for 2, or even 3 useful mods Flasks
Atziri's Promise Great for damage, look for max elemental as extra chaos damage Dying Sun Extra projectiles, also great for damage, look for decent aoe, lowest increased charges used, and lowest less duration. First priority for Hillock flask crafts Quicksilver Flask Any decent prefix, movement speed suffix to really zoom Diamond Flask Needs a freeze suffix or Brine King pantheon. Only need this until we get Cannot be Frozen on boots Enduring Mana Flask Must have Enduring prefix, needing this makes us not like the instant life and mana flasks sextant, but you can still run it, it's just a pain Rumi's Concoction Great damage mitigation Bottled Faith Luxury item for when you have phased out both the mana flask and your freeze flask Crafting Guide
These crafting guides detail how to craft the same items I am currently using on the build. With the Harvest changes, a lot of the crazy items I used to craft for the build are dead, however, they were almost entirely unnecessary. Also, with the new Eldritch Implicits, we can achieve gear that is almost the same power by adding implicits to very simple-to-craft gear. Because our ES pool is essentially our life pool as well, having the correct bases with good base ES rolls is quite important. I recommend either buying or highlighting max-rolled bases on your item filter to craft on. Helmet
1) Get a max rolled Hubris Circlet and enchant it for +1 Blazing Salvo projectiles -or- buy a base with a max roll and the enchant. Minimum ilvl 84 for top tier resists. 2) Quality with Perfect fossils or Hillock bench craft. Aim for at least 28% 3) Roll with fossils or harvest reforges until mods are acceptable. My goal is usually 300 ES and whatever resists I need at the time. Defense reforges are the best for Harvest crafts, but you can also use the element specific ones to guarantee a certain resist. Personal preference is fossil crafting with either Dense/Prismatic or Dense/specific element for that resist. 4) Add a craft. I personally like mine throwing speed, you can also craft an ES prefix if you hit solid resists on the fossil to hit the ES goal. 5) Add Eldritch Implicits. Recommended implicits (in order of preference): Searing Exarch: Flat fire damage to spells Spell crit chance Increased damage per Power Charge Eater of Worlds: Fire pen Increased max ES from gloves and boots Spell damage Increased effect of Arcane Surge Gloves
No example right now, currently crafting 1) Buy or drop Hunter or Warlord Fingerless Silk Gloves. Preferably high base roll and at least ilvl 84. 1a) Can also buy a good base and use a Conqueror's exalt 2) Quality with Perfect fossils or Hillock bench craft. Aim for at least 28% 3) Alt spam for Unnerve on Hunter or Culling on Warlord and no other influenced mods, attempt an annul if you roll 2 influenced mods 4) Buy another influenced pair of gloves with the other mod. Base doesn't matter as long as it's the only influenced mod 5) Use an Awakener Orb to move both mods onto the Fingerless Silk gloves base and pray for the rest of the item to be usable Unfortunately Unnerve on hit is a prefix and Culling is a suffix, there's not much crafting you can do from here, especially since both mods are completely un-tagged. It sucks, but unfortunately the Eldritch implicits for gloves aren't amazing for this build. You can hit Unnerve on hit or Increased effect of Herald of Ash on Searing Exarch, but Eater of Worlds is kinda bad. We don't scale spell suppression at all, increased mark effect only works on bosses, and we can get stronger fire exposure from Wave of Conviction. All the rest do nothing at all. You can use Eldritch crafted gloves if you want, especially because of how cheap they are, but it's really hard to outweigh Culling on Conqueror influenced gloves. Weapon
1. Buy a base, ilvl 84+, any sceptre or wand will work, but try to get one with a usable implicit, ideally an Opal Wand or maybe Sambar Sceptre for pen, depends on your exact build, you can also look to have either t1 %fire/spell damage or +1 fire/all spell skill gems fractured on 2. Alt/fossil spam for t1 %fire/spell damage or +1 fire/all spell skill gems and fracture it on (make sure to divine it first if it's damage, you can't divine after) 3. Fossil/harvest chaos spam for the other mod 4. Remove all other mods so you have a t1 %fire/spell damage and +1 fire/all spell skill gems weapon 5. Craft on cannot roll attack mods 6. Aug crit, remove/add until t1 chance 7. Aug crit lucky, this will always hit crit multi, hope for a high roll 8. Aug chaos, remove/add until t1 %fire as extra chaos 9. Change craft to mine throwing speed 10. Divine to perfect Boots
1. Buy/synth ilvl 86+ Sorcerer Boots for somethying useful, es, strength gem quality, onslaught, move speed, just to name a few 2. Alt/fossil/harvest chaos spam for t1 move speed 3. Remove other useless mods 4. Aug defence, remove/add until t1, flat is ideal, but %es will work too 5. Craft on Cannot be Frozen 6. Aug resistances you need, remove/add till t1 7. Divine till perfect Belt
1. Buy ilvl 85 Crystal belt 2. Alt/fossil/harvest chaos spam for t1 es 3. Divine, then fracture the t1 es 4. Spam with Deafening Essences of Zeal until you hit t1 strength 5. Annul other mods (optionally, you can leave a prefix, there's really nothing good on uninfluenced belts and if remove/add life is expensive, you probably don't want to dump 30 ex on like 20 extra es) 6. Aug for your last resist and remove/add until t1 7. Craft on more flat es at the bench 8. Quality for defences 9. (optional, if you removed the extra prefix, you can remove/add life until t1, it's not amazing, but it's the best final prefix you can get because of Chayula's) Ring
Warning: This specific ring is stupid hard to craft, you're probably better off not doing the crusader influence and taking the extra pretty much dead prefix, this cost me WAY too much money and I'm only detailing it here for completeness and to show my struggle with finishing this item. 1. Buy ilvl 84+ Shaper or Crusader Opal ring, you can also influence it yourself 2. Buy any ring of the other influence and Awakener orb it onto the Opal ring, mods don't matter 3. Use Deafening Essence of Misery to get %mana regen 4. Remove other useless mods 5. Aug defence and remove/add defence for t1 flat es 6. (skill testing part) Aug defence lucky and hope it hits t1 %es, if not, it'll probably hit evasion, if it does, do it again and REALLY hope it hits t1 %es, if it hits a lower tier, remove add till you hit t1 % and flat es or you kill the flat es, if this happens remove the other defence mods and remove/add again for t1 flat 6.5. (If you somehow hit the t1% es on your first aug, you can craft something onto the prefix (probably flat fire and other element or %damage) if you did this you made a better ring than me, congrats) 7. Aug fire, remove/add till t1 fire res 8. Aug caster, remove/add caster until you hit t1 Assassin's mark (this is a 3.03% chance and will take, on average, 33 remove/adds to hit, I hope you like the TFT discord, because you'll be seeing it a lot) 9. (true gamer time)(optional) If you have the extra evasion prefix, you can try to hit a 1/3 for a defence annul (probably don't do this) 10. Quality for defences and be incredibly glad you're done Videos
Recorded on the original build from 3.14 Ritual League, but because of power creep in general, similar damage is still definitely possible (I still pretty much instantly phase Sirus, even without min-maxed gear) I'll try to get videos on Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds when I can. Shaper: https://youtu.be/FIndG1m9BOg Elder https://youtu.be/zu8ILFZda_0 Uber Elder: https://youtu.be/FIndG1m9BOg Uber Atziri: https://youtu.be/gQ_eLPrB4g4 The Twins: https://youtu.be/uUozyBu8O5Y Cortex: https://youtu.be/IHiFMUoyj-Q The Feared: https://youtu.be/HtdXXkPydnA Awakener Level 9 Sirus: https://youtu.be/8JDEWqPGAPQ Maven: https://youtu.be/IzM3xmcCqe8 FAQ
Can I play this build life based? Yeah, almost definitely, I personally am not a fan of the playstyle though and swap to Low Life as quickly as possible, there should be some people on poe.ninja that you can look at if you want to. I'm dying a lot, what should I do? Sort of a complex question, it could be map mods, things like -max res can be really dangerous and the -armor from the new eldritch altars can actually lower our armor value below our max ES value and essentially cap our ES value, try to avoid those for sure. In dangerous maps, try to throw mines towards the edge of the screen or around corners to keep enemies out of attack range. Can I use Dash instead of Flame Dash In theory, yeah, you absolutely could, however since you already need to search for so much strength for our red gems, it makes it dificult to get to the 170 dex required for Dash, but if you can get it, go for it Can I [insert gear change here] Absolutely, most importantly this is your build, do whatever makes you happy. This guide is purely to show the strength of the build with what I've brainstormed on my own, if you think you can improve it, you probably can. If you've got any other questions, feel free to write a comment, I'll try to respond as soon as I can. Changes
(4/15/21) Updated for 3.14 (3/3/21)Added boss kill videos (finally), added ring and boot examples, finished crafting guide Zuletzt bearbeitet von LunaBotOpst#1898 um 27.03.2022, 20:01:09 Zuletzt angestoßen am 22.07.2021, 14:37:52
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Looks cool, I've been wanting to try BS, but POB?
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I was in the discord with the build creator while he was making this post. I have seen this build in action. I have recreated this build myself. It is powerful. Perhaps too powerful. I watched this man put to text the power of gods and high tech ordinance. It nearly overwhlemed us all to see the entire post destroyed with a single misclick, but Blazing Salvo Mines do not care for the trivial issues of man. The wrath of machines and the strength of deities demanded this power be made common to us. It is a gift to mankind from those beyond us. They smiled upon us all when LunaBotOpst steeled himself and forged on to finish his sacred text.
And we are all better for it, and more powerful with the knowledge of it. 9/10 no MTX |
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Switched over from ele hit mines and this is just so so much better. More survivability and dps is dope. Thanks man. Was losing interest until i tried this.
Where do we get frenzy charges from? EDIT: AHA, from charged mines :P Zuletzt bearbeitet von Zaccariaz#6454 um 09.02.2021, 14:49:27
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what happens when you run out of mana flask against a boss?
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" If you're running out of mana flask charges during a boss, you either need to control your flasking better or build more damage. With my current setup, A9 Sirus dies in his final phase before he can even attack (haven't finished my curse ring yet) and, you get flask charges back after every phase of bosses. Even if you have to do 3-4 rounds of dps, you should still have flasks and even if THAT doesn't work, there's still some basic mana regen, so you can slow-roll the boss. |
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There was a divergent salvo 21/23 in trade a few days back for 4 ex. I should have bought it then as i can't find any since that time :( And gem corrupt room is not being nice at all.
Once again, dope build dude! |
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" So, fun fact, unless you manage to get at least 1 extra quality from something, 23% quality and 20 quality Divergent Blazing Salvo are identical because the alternate quality only gains 1% fire as extra chaos ever 4%, so 21/20 and 21/23 are the same and it makes it much easier to get an ideal skill gem. |
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I'm just trying to find a 21/20 :( 2 have bricked so far in doryanis room. Here is hoping the 3rd one is the charm.. Saving up for a +2 projectile shavs too.
Have you done any of the juicy maven content yet? Sirus is a deathless affair with this build. Just worried about the hidden, the feared and of course maven herself. |
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