Shadow Skill Tree Build

Looking for feedback on a skill tree for a shadow character. The idea is to dual wield claws focus on lightning elemental half spells and half melee. Any feedback is welcome.
Zuletzt angestoßen am 09.10.2020, 21:44:17
B3astly X R10t schrieb:
The idea is to dual wield claws focus on lightning elemental half spells and half melee.
POE doesn't work that way, you make a tree for a skill not "random lightning ability maybe it's melee maybe it's spell..."

Your tree has next to no life in it, maybe 4 points went into life total, so based on that I can be sure you have very little experience with creating balanced builds for POE.

My suggestion is if you're new to poe just follow a guide for a skill type you'd enjoy to play and once you learn more about the game try self-crafted builds.

You do you, but homebrew builds on players with low experience tend to produce disappointing results.
pregunta tonta, en que parte puedo encontrar arboles de habilidades para seguir de ejemplo ???? e estado buscando y francamente no encuentro en que parte encontrarlos :u , solo quiero invertir mis puntos de habilidad sabiamente r.r

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