Client Absturz nach Umzug von HDD auf SSD
Hallo zusammen,
ich spiele PoE aktuell über Steam und habe vor wenigen Tagen (am 21.03.2020) die Installation via Steam von meiner HDD Festplatte auf meine SSD Festplatte verschieben lassen, um die Ladezeit zu verbessern. Die Ladezeiten beim 1. Betreten einer Karte hat sich dabei auch spürbar verkürzt. Heute (25.03.2020) hatte ich bisher 3x kurz nacheinander einen kompletten Crash des PoE Clients. Die Abstürze sind in zwei unterschiedlichen Karten aufgetreten. Einmal in einem Forschungsunterschlupf des Syndikates nachdem drei Syndikatsmitglieder gespawnt sind, das 2. Mal beim Start einer Transportmission des Syndikates und der 3. Crash erfolgte kurz nach dem Durchschreiten eines Deliriumspiegels. Die Karten konnte ich nach der erneuten Anmeldung weiter spielen, sie sind also selbst nicht gerasht. Leider wurden keine Dumps erstellt, daher anbei nur ein Auszug aus meiner Client.txt Logdatei vom 24.03.2020 und 25.03.2020. Ich habe die "Building Uncached Shader" Einträge bei den Wiederholungen vom 25.03.2020 gekürzt (...). Falls nach dem Update auf 3.10.1 weiterhin solche Abstürze auftreten, werde ich entsprechende Infos ergänzen. Ich kann nicht einschätzen ob das Problem mit dem aktuellen Problem der Überlastung des Grafikartentreibers in Verbindung steht. Der Shader Cache ist auf jeden Fall aktiviert und war es auch bereits vor dem Umzug der Installation.
2020/03/24 02:52:21 ***** LOG FILE OPENING *****
2020/03/24 02:52:22 ***** LOG FILE OPENING ***** 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877250 8a [INFO Client 1408] Enumerated adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877359 24b [INFO Client 1408] Enumerated device for adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877359 142 [INFO Client 1408] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 of \\.\DISPLAY1 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877359 142 [INFO Client 1408] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 of \\.\DISPLAY2 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877359 8a [INFO Client 1408] Enumerated adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877359 24b [INFO Client 1408] Enumerated device for adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877500 205 [DEBUG Client 1408] CreateSwapChain: SetFullScreenState 0 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877515 276 [INFO Client 1408] [DirectX] Runtime version = 11.1 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877515 277 [INFO Client 1408] [DirectX] Feature Level = 11.1 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877515 278 [INFO Client 1408] [DirectX] Driver Command Lists = YES 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877515 279 [INFO Client 1408] [DirectX] Driver Concurrent Creates = YES 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877515 27a [INFO Client 1408] [DirectX] Driver Constant Buffer Offsetting = YES 2020/03/24 02:52:23 814877843 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878109 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutDepth_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_DEPTH=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878140 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Copy_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 COPY=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878140 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutDepth_Copy_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_DEPTH=1 COPY=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878171 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878187 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutDepth_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_DEPTH=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878203 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Copy_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 COPY=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878203 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutDepth_Copy_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_DEPTH=1 COPY=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878218 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878218 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutDepth_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_DEPTH=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878234 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Copy_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 COPY=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878234 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutDepth_Copy_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_DEPTH=1 COPY=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878250 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878250 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutDepth_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_DEPTH=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878265 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Copy_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 COPY=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878281 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutDepth_Copy_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_DEPTH=1 COPY=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878281 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878296 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutDepth_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_DEPTH=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878312 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Copy_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 COPY=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878312 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutDepth_Copy_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_DEPTH=1 COPY=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878734 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Shaders/SMAA_main. Profile vs_4_0 and entrypoint EdgeDetectionVShad with macros: SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878828 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Shaders/SMAA_main. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint ColorEdgeDetectionPShad with macros: SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878890 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Shaders/SMAA_main. Profile vs_4_0 and entrypoint BlendingWeightCalculationVShad with macros: SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA=1 2020/03/24 02:52:24 814878906 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Shaders/SMAA_main. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint BlendingWeightCalculationPShad with macros: SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA=1 2020/03/24 02:52:25 814879031 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Shaders/SMAA_main. Profile vs_4_0 and entrypoint NeighborhoodBlendingVShad with macros: SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA=1 2020/03/24 02:52:25 814879046 9b [INFO Client 1408] Building Uncached Shader Shaders/SMAA_main. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint NeighborhoodBlendingPShad with macros: SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA=1 2020/03/24 02:52:36 814890625 b7 [INFO Client 1408] Async connecting to 2020/03/24 02:52:36 814890671 de [INFO Client 1408] Connected to in 15ms. 2020/03/24 02:52:54 814908359 d8e [DEBUG Client 1408] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/24 02:52:54 814908406 dab [INFO Client 1408] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/24 02:52:54 814908406 f9 [INFO Client 1408] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/24 02:52:54 814908593 1b3 [DEBUG Client 1408] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/24 02:52:59 814913937 ac9 [INFO Client 1408] : Ihr habt 'Das Waldlager' betreten. 2020/03/24 02:53:13 814927125 d8e [DEBUG Client 1408] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/24 02:53:13 814927171 dab [INFO Client 1408] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/24 02:53:13 814927171 f9 [INFO Client 1408] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/24 02:53:13 814927187 1b3 [DEBUG Client 1408] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/24 02:53:15 814929421 ac9 [INFO Client 1408] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/24 03:11:57 816051328 ac9 [INFO Client 1408] : AFK-Modus ist nun AN. Automatische Antwort: 'Dieser Spieler ist AFK.' 2020/03/24 05:38:42 824856890 ac9 [INFO Client 1408] : AFK-Modus ist nun AUS. 2020/03/24 05:53:51 825765500 ac9 [INFO Client 1408] : AFK-Modus ist nun AN. Automatische Antwort: 'Dieser Spieler ist AFK.' 2020/03/24 06:01:37 826231828 ac9 [INFO Client 1408] : AFK-Modus ist nun AUS. 2020/03/24 06:16:38 827132640 ac9 [INFO Client 1408] : AFK-Modus ist nun AN. Automatische Antwort: 'Dieser Spieler ist AFK.' 2020/03/25 05:18:27 ***** LOG FILE OPENING ***** 2020/03/25 05:18:28 ***** LOG FILE OPENING ***** 2020/03/25 05:18:30 910044546 8a [INFO Client 14876] Enumerated adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 2020/03/25 05:18:30 910044656 24b [INFO Client 14876] Enumerated device for adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312 2020/03/25 05:18:30 910044656 142 [INFO Client 14876] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 of \\.\DISPLAY1 2020/03/25 05:18:30 910044656 142 [INFO Client 14876] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 of \\.\DISPLAY2 2020/03/25 05:18:30 910044656 8a [INFO Client 14876] Enumerated adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver 2020/03/25 05:18:30 910044671 24b [INFO Client 14876] Enumerated device for adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312 2020/03/25 05:18:30 910044765 205 [DEBUG Client 14876] CreateSwapChain: SetFullScreenState 0 2020/03/25 05:18:30 910044781 276 [INFO Client 14876] [DirectX] Runtime version = 11.1 2020/03/25 05:18:30 910044781 277 [INFO Client 14876] [DirectX] Feature Level = 11.1 2020/03/25 05:18:30 910044781 278 [INFO Client 14876] [DirectX] Driver Command Lists = YES 2020/03/25 05:18:30 910044781 279 [INFO Client 14876] [DirectX] Driver Concurrent Creates = YES 2020/03/25 05:18:30 910044781 27a [INFO Client 14876] [DirectX] Driver Constant Buffer Offsetting = YES 2020/03/25 05:18:31 910045078 9b [INFO Client 14876] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 ... 2020/03/25 05:18:31 910045750 9b [INFO Client 14876] Building Uncached Shader Shaders/SMAA_main. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint NeighborhoodBlendingPShad with macros: SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA=1 2020/03/25 05:30:03 910737234 b7 [INFO Client 14876] Async connecting to 2020/03/25 05:30:03 910737281 de [INFO Client 14876] Connected to in 16ms. 2020/03/25 05:30:58 910792484 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:30:58 910792531 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:30:58 910792531 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:30:58 910792578 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 05:31:03 910797453 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Das Waldlager' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:31:52 910846843 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:31:52 910846906 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:31:52 910846906 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:31:52 910846921 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 05:31:56 910850890 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Oriath' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:32:09 910863953 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:32:10 910864015 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:32:10 910864015 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:32:10 910864031 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 05:32:11 910865890 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:40:36 911370609 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:40:36 911370656 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:40:36 911370656 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:40:36 911370703 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 05:40:40 911374796 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Brachland' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:41:38 911432875 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] Fremde Stimme: Ihr werdet von höheren Gewalten kontrolliert. 2020/03/25 05:42:34 911488296 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : SP_Witch_SSF_Delirium wurde getötet. 2020/03/25 05:42:35 911489703 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:42:35 911489703 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:42:35 911489703 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:42:35 911489734 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 05:42:37 911491171 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:42:46 911500093 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:42:46 911500109 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:42:46 911500109 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:42:46 911500156 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 05:42:47 911501203 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Brachland' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:46:19 911713562 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:46:19 911713609 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:46:19 911713609 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:46:19 911713656 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 05:46:21 911715421 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Stillgelegter Damm' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:48:26 911840156 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : SP_Witch_SSF_Delirium wurde getötet. 2020/03/25 05:48:28 911842234 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:48:28 911842250 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:48:28 911842250 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:48:28 911842281 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 05:48:29 911843750 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Brachland' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:48:34 911848593 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:48:34 911848609 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:48:34 911848609 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:48:34 911848640 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 05:48:36 911850968 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:48:59 911873515 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Handel angenommen. 2020/03/25 05:49:11 911885484 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:49:11 911885484 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:49:11 911885484 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:49:11 911885531 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 05:49:13 911886984 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Brachland' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:49:16 911890593 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:49:16 911890609 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:49:16 911890609 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:49:16 911890640 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 05:49:18 911892109 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Stillgelegter Damm' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:51:40 912034578 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Öffnet das Auge des Sturms. 2020/03/25 05:53:51 912165875 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : 0 Monster übrig. 2020/03/25 05:54:11 912185781 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:54:11 912185781 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:54:11 912185781 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:54:11 912185812 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 05:54:13 912187359 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Brachland' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:56:33 912327687 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] Zana, Meisterkartographin: Ihr ... Schwachkopf! Was macht Ihr da!? 2020/03/25 05:58:06 912420781 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 05:58:06 912420781 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 05:58:06 912420781 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 05:58:06 912420812 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 05:58:09 912423171 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 05:58:47 912461000 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Handel angenommen. 2020/03/25 06:00:29 912563828 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:00:29 912563843 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:00:29 912563843 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:00:29 912563890 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 06:00:34 912568750 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Vaal-Pyramide' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:01:47 912641812 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] Fremde Stimme: Die Zeit ist ein Schleier. Ihr existiert in der einzigartigen Ewigkeit. 2020/03/25 06:01:57 912651312 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : SP_Witch_SSF_Delirium wurde getötet. 2020/03/25 06:01:59 912653265 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:01:59 912653265 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:01:59 912653265 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:01:59 912653296 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 06:02:00 912654890 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:02:17 912671687 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Handel angenommen. 2020/03/25 06:02:36 912690500 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Handel angenommen. 2020/03/25 06:02:40 912694781 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:02:40 912694781 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:02:40 912694781 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:02:40 912694812 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 06:02:41 912695921 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Vaal-Pyramide' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:08:15 913029015 5f [INFO Client 14876] Steam stats stored 2020/03/25 06:08:37 913051906 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : SP_Witch_SSF_Delirium wurde getötet. 2020/03/25 06:08:39 913053953 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:08:39 913053953 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:08:39 913053953 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:08:40 913053984 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 06:08:41 913055234 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:08:54 913068093 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Handel angenommen. 2020/03/25 06:09:29 913103156 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:09:29 913103156 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:09:29 913103156 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:09:29 913103187 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 06:09:30 913104406 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Vaal-Pyramide' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:13:47 913361390 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : SP_Witch_SSF_Delirium wurde getötet. 2020/03/25 06:13:49 913363140 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:13:49 913363140 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:13:49 913363140 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:13:49 913363171 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 06:13:50 913364500 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:13:58 913372468 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Handel angenommen. 2020/03/25 06:14:21 913395140 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:14:21 913395140 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:14:21 913395140 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:14:21 913395171 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 06:14:22 913396484 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Vaal-Pyramide' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:15:20 913454078 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:15:20 913454078 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:15:20 913454078 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:15:20 913454109 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 06:15:21 913455687 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:17:30 913584875 d8e [DEBUG Client 14876] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:17:30 913584875 dab [INFO Client 14876] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:17:30 913584875 f9 [INFO Client 14876] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:17:30 913584906 1b3 [DEBUG Client 14876] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 06:17:39 913593546 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] : Ihr habt 'Museum' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:18:36 913650218 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] Aisling Laffrey, die lautlose Schlächterin: Wenn wir fertig sind, wird niemand mehr sagen können, dass Ihr mal ein Mensch wart. 2020/03/25 06:18:39 913653421 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] Haku, Kriegsmeister: Vorfahren, führt uns zum Sieg. 2020/03/25 06:18:43 913657765 ac9 [INFO Client 14876] Cameria der Kaltblütige: Eine zarte Blume wie du sollte nicht ganz allein kämpfen ... 2020/03/25 06:19:09 ***** LOG FILE OPENING ***** 2020/03/25 06:19:10 ***** LOG FILE OPENING ***** 2020/03/25 06:19:10 913684859 8a [INFO Client 7372] Enumerated adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 2020/03/25 06:19:10 913684953 24b [INFO Client 7372] Enumerated device for adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312 2020/03/25 06:19:10 913684953 142 [INFO Client 7372] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 of \\.\DISPLAY1 2020/03/25 06:19:10 913684953 142 [INFO Client 7372] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 of \\.\DISPLAY2 2020/03/25 06:19:10 913684953 8a [INFO Client 7372] Enumerated adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver 2020/03/25 06:19:10 913684968 24b [INFO Client 7372] Enumerated device for adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312 2020/03/25 06:19:11 913685078 205 [DEBUG Client 7372] CreateSwapChain: SetFullScreenState 0 2020/03/25 06:19:11 913685078 276 [INFO Client 7372] [DirectX] Runtime version = 11.1 2020/03/25 06:19:11 913685078 277 [INFO Client 7372] [DirectX] Feature Level = 11.1 2020/03/25 06:19:11 913685078 278 [INFO Client 7372] [DirectX] Driver Command Lists = YES 2020/03/25 06:19:11 913685078 279 [INFO Client 7372] [DirectX] Driver Concurrent Creates = YES 2020/03/25 06:19:11 913685078 27a [INFO Client 7372] [DirectX] Driver Constant Buffer Offsetting = YES 2020/03/25 06:19:11 913685171 9b [INFO Client 7372] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 ... 2020/03/25 06:19:11 913685593 9b [INFO Client 7372] Building Uncached Shader Shaders/SMAA_main. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint NeighborhoodBlendingPShad with macros: SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA=1 2020/03/25 06:19:20 913694078 b7 [INFO Client 7372] Async connecting to 2020/03/25 06:19:20 913694125 de [INFO Client 7372] Connected to in 32ms. 2020/03/25 06:19:29 913703437 d8e [DEBUG Client 7372] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:19:29 913703484 dab [INFO Client 7372] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:19:29 913703484 f9 [INFO Client 7372] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:19:29 913703515 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7372] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 06:19:35 913709750 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] : Ihr habt 'Oriath' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:19:42 913716484 d8e [DEBUG Client 7372] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:19:42 913716515 dab [INFO Client 7372] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:19:42 913716515 f9 [INFO Client 7372] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:19:42 913716546 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7372] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 06:19:44 913718656 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:19:59 913733250 d8e [DEBUG Client 7372] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:19:59 913733312 dab [INFO Client 7372] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:19:59 913733312 f9 [INFO Client 7372] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:19:59 913733343 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7372] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 06:20:07 913741703 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] : Ihr habt 'Museum' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:20:12 913746671 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] : SP_Witch_SSF_Delirium wurde getötet. 2020/03/25 06:20:12 913746687 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] Haku, Kriegsmeister: Mutter des Todes, ein Geschenk. 2020/03/25 06:20:14 913748703 d8e [DEBUG Client 7372] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:20:14 913748718 dab [INFO Client 7372] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:20:14 913748718 f9 [INFO Client 7372] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:20:14 913748734 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7372] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 06:20:16 913750218 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:20:24 913758125 d8e [DEBUG Client 7372] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:20:24 913758125 dab [INFO Client 7372] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:20:24 913758125 f9 [INFO Client 7372] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:20:24 913758171 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7372] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 06:20:25 913759609 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] : Ihr habt 'Museum' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:22:31 913885421 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] Janus Perandus: Bezeugt den Beginn einer neuen Weltordnung! 2020/03/25 06:22:53 913907437 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] : SP_Witch_SSF_Delirium wurde getötet. 2020/03/25 06:22:53 913907453 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] Janus Perandus: Wunderbar. Können wir uns beeilen? 2020/03/25 06:22:58 913912578 d8e [DEBUG Client 7372] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:22:58 913912578 dab [INFO Client 7372] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:22:58 913912578 f9 [INFO Client 7372] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:22:58 913912625 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7372] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 06:22:59 913913921 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:23:08 913922000 d8e [DEBUG Client 7372] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:23:08 913922000 dab [INFO Client 7372] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:23:08 913922000 f9 [INFO Client 7372] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:23:08 913922031 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7372] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 06:23:09 913923375 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] : Ihr habt 'Museum' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:24:11 913985875 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] : SP_Witch_SSF_Delirium wurde getötet. 2020/03/25 06:24:11 913985890 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] Janus Perandus: Wunderbar. Können wir uns beeilen? 2020/03/25 06:24:13 913987750 d8e [DEBUG Client 7372] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:24:13 913987750 dab [INFO Client 7372] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:24:13 913987750 f9 [INFO Client 7372] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:24:13 913987781 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7372] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 06:24:15 913989187 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:24:22 913996625 d8e [DEBUG Client 7372] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:24:22 913996625 dab [INFO Client 7372] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:24:22 913996625 f9 [INFO Client 7372] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:24:22 913996671 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7372] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 06:24:24 913998031 ac9 [INFO Client 7372] : Ihr habt 'Museum' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:27:23 ***** LOG FILE OPENING ***** 2020/03/25 06:27:23 ***** LOG FILE OPENING ***** 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178250 8a [INFO Client 9024] Enumerated adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178343 24b [INFO Client 9024] Enumerated device for adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178343 142 [INFO Client 9024] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 of \\.\DISPLAY1 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178343 142 [INFO Client 9024] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 of \\.\DISPLAY2 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178343 8a [INFO Client 9024] Enumerated adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178359 24b [INFO Client 9024] Enumerated device for adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178468 205 [DEBUG Client 9024] CreateSwapChain: SetFullScreenState 0 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178468 276 [INFO Client 9024] [DirectX] Runtime version = 11.1 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178468 277 [INFO Client 9024] [DirectX] Feature Level = 11.1 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178468 278 [INFO Client 9024] [DirectX] Driver Command Lists = YES 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178468 279 [INFO Client 9024] [DirectX] Driver Concurrent Creates = YES 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178468 27a [INFO Client 9024] [DirectX] Driver Constant Buffer Offsetting = YES 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178546 9b [INFO Client 9024] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 ... 2020/03/25 06:27:24 914178953 9b [INFO Client 9024] Building Uncached Shader Shaders/SMAA_main. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint NeighborhoodBlendingPShad with macros: SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA=1 2020/03/25 06:27:33 914187296 b7 [INFO Client 9024] Async connecting to 2020/03/25 06:27:33 914187359 de [INFO Client 9024] Connected to in 31ms. 2020/03/25 06:27:42 914196609 d8e [DEBUG Client 9024] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:27:42 914196640 dab [INFO Client 9024] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:27:42 914196640 f9 [INFO Client 9024] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:27:42 914196671 1b3 [DEBUG Client 9024] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 06:27:49 914203453 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] : Ihr habt 'Oriath' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:27:51 914205109 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] #MamaWutz: kaufen kann man die auch nicht beim händler oder sehe ich die nur nicht 2020/03/25 06:27:57 914211468 d8e [DEBUG Client 9024] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:27:57 914211500 dab [INFO Client 9024] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:27:57 914211500 f9 [INFO Client 9024] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:27:57 914211531 1b3 [DEBUG Client 9024] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 06:27:59 914213359 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:28:12 914226765 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] : Handel angenommen. 2020/03/25 06:29:03 914276968 d8e [DEBUG Client 9024] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:29:03 914277015 dab [INFO Client 9024] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:29:03 914277015 f9 [INFO Client 9024] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:29:03 914277062 1b3 [DEBUG Client 9024] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 06:29:11 914285109 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] : Ihr habt 'Museum' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:33:43 914557203 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] Thane Jorgin der Verstoßene: Ey, was haben wir denn da? Eine neue Herausforderin! 2020/03/25 06:33:57 914571343 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] Jun, Meisterin der Verhüllung: Wo sind deine Ersten jetzt, Ezomyt? 2020/03/25 06:34:21 914595187 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] : Mission abgeschlossen. Ihr habt von diesem Meister 8.006 Gunst erhalten. 2020/03/25 06:34:22 914596359 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] Thane Jorgin der Verstoßene: Schon erledigt! Damit fängt die Herausforderung erst an. 2020/03/25 06:41:15 915009609 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] Fremde Stimme: Ich werde niemals aufhören nach dem zu suchen, das Euch in den Abgrund stürzen wird. 2020/03/25 06:43:17 915131687 d8e [DEBUG Client 9024] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:43:17 915131703 dab [INFO Client 9024] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:43:17 915131703 f9 [INFO Client 9024] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:43:17 915131718 1b3 [DEBUG Client 9024] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 06:43:20 915134937 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:43:30 915144578 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] : Handel angenommen. 2020/03/25 06:44:10 915184234 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] : Handel angenommen. 2020/03/25 06:45:17 915251546 d8e [DEBUG Client 9024] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:45:17 915251546 dab [INFO Client 9024] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:45:17 915251546 f9 [INFO Client 9024] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:45:17 915251578 1b3 [DEBUG Client 9024] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 06:45:19 915253578 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] : Ihr habt 'Akademie' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:45:57 915291578 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] Baran der Kreuzritter: Ich verspüre die größte Abneigung gegenüber Euch. Wer auch immer Ihr seid, haltet Euch von meinem Heiligtum fern. 2020/03/25 06:46:31 915325718 ac9 [INFO Client 9024] Fremde Stimme: Jeder, den Ihr getötet habt, hatte ein Leben, hatte eine Familie. Eines Tages werdet Ihr an der Reihe sein. 2020/03/25 06:46:48 ***** LOG FILE OPENING ***** 2020/03/25 06:46:49 ***** LOG FILE OPENING ***** 2020/03/25 06:46:49 915343734 8a [INFO Client 7028] Enumerated adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 2020/03/25 06:46:49 915343828 24b [INFO Client 7028] Enumerated device for adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312 2020/03/25 06:46:49 915343828 142 [INFO Client 7028] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 of \\.\DISPLAY1 2020/03/25 06:46:49 915343828 142 [INFO Client 7028] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 of \\.\DISPLAY2 2020/03/25 06:46:49 915343828 8a [INFO Client 7028] Enumerated adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver 2020/03/25 06:46:49 915343843 24b [INFO Client 7028] Enumerated device for adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312 2020/03/25 06:46:49 915343953 205 [DEBUG Client 7028] CreateSwapChain: SetFullScreenState 0 2020/03/25 06:46:49 915343953 276 [INFO Client 7028] [DirectX] Runtime version = 11.1 2020/03/25 06:46:49 915343953 277 [INFO Client 7028] [DirectX] Feature Level = 11.1 2020/03/25 06:46:49 915343953 278 [INFO Client 7028] [DirectX] Driver Command Lists = YES 2020/03/25 06:46:49 915343953 279 [INFO Client 7028] [DirectX] Driver Concurrent Creates = YES 2020/03/25 06:46:49 915343953 27a [INFO Client 7028] [DirectX] Driver Constant Buffer Offsetting = YES 2020/03/25 06:46:50 915344015 9b [INFO Client 7028] Building Uncached Shader Resampler_OutColor_Upsample_MinMax. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint Resample with macros: OUT_COLOR=1 UPSAMPLE=1 MINMAX_FILTER=1 ... 2020/03/25 06:46:50 915344421 9b [INFO Client 7028] Building Uncached Shader Shaders/SMAA_main. Profile ps_4_0 and entrypoint NeighborhoodBlendingPShad with macros: SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA=1 2020/03/25 06:46:59 915353312 b7 [INFO Client 7028] Async connecting to 2020/03/25 06:46:59 915353359 de [INFO Client 7028] Connected to in 15ms. 2020/03/25 06:47:08 915362859 d8e [DEBUG Client 7028] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:47:08 915362906 dab [INFO Client 7028] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:47:08 915362906 f9 [INFO Client 7028] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:47:08 915362937 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7028] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 06:47:16 915370546 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Ihr habt 'Oriath' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:47:30 915384343 d8e [DEBUG Client 7028] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:47:30 915384390 dab [INFO Client 7028] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:47:30 915384390 f9 [INFO Client 7028] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:47:30 915384437 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7028] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 06:47:32 915386593 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:49:37 915511078 d8e [DEBUG Client 7028] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:49:37 915511109 dab [INFO Client 7028] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:49:37 915511109 f9 [INFO Client 7028] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:49:37 915511140 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7028] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 06:49:41 915515468 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Ihr habt 'Akademie' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:50:36 915570718 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : SP_Witch_SSF_Delirium wurde getötet. 2020/03/25 06:50:38 915572312 d8e [DEBUG Client 7028] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:50:38 915572312 dab [INFO Client 7028] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:50:38 915572312 f9 [INFO Client 7028] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:50:38 915572343 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7028] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 06:50:40 915574406 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:50:50 915584375 d8e [DEBUG Client 7028] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:50:50 915584375 dab [INFO Client 7028] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:50:50 915584375 f9 [INFO Client 7028] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:50:50 915584406 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7028] Connect time to instance server was 15ms 2020/03/25 06:50:51 915585843 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Ihr habt 'Akademie' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:52:13 915667375 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : SP_Witch_SSF_Delirium wurde getötet. 2020/03/25 06:52:14 915668562 d8e [DEBUG Client 7028] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:52:14 915668562 dab [INFO Client 7028] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:52:14 915668562 f9 [INFO Client 7028] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:52:14 915668609 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7028] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 06:52:16 915670328 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:52:23 915677390 d8e [DEBUG Client 7028] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:52:23 915677390 dab [INFO Client 7028] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:52:23 915677390 f9 [INFO Client 7028] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:52:23 915677421 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7028] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 06:52:24 915678828 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Ihr habt 'Akademie' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:58:01 916015828 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : SP_Witch_SSF_Delirium wurde getötet. 2020/03/25 06:58:03 916017921 d8e [DEBUG Client 7028] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:58:03 916017921 dab [INFO Client 7028] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:58:03 916017921 f9 [INFO Client 7028] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:58:03 916017953 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7028] Connect time to instance server was 32ms 2020/03/25 06:58:05 916019437 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 06:58:16 916030953 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Handel angenommen. 2020/03/25 06:59:00 916074921 d8e [DEBUG Client 7028] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 06:59:00 916074921 dab [INFO Client 7028] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 06:59:00 916074921 f9 [INFO Client 7028] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 06:59:00 916074953 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7028] Connect time to instance server was 32ms 2020/03/25 06:59:02 916076343 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Ihr habt 'Akademie' betreten. 2020/03/25 07:00:34 916168578 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : SP_Witch_SSF_Delirium wurde getötet. 2020/03/25 07:00:36 916170890 d8e [DEBUG Client 7028] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 07:00:36 916170890 dab [INFO Client 7028] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 07:00:36 916170890 f9 [INFO Client 7028] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 07:00:36 916170921 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7028] Connect time to instance server was 31ms 2020/03/25 07:00:38 916172515 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 07:00:46 916180812 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Handel angenommen. 2020/03/25 07:03:00 916314890 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Handel angenommen. 2020/03/25 07:03:11 916325015 d8e [DEBUG Client 7028] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 07:03:11 916325015 dab [INFO Client 7028] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 07:03:11 916325015 f9 [INFO Client 7028] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 07:03:11 916325046 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7028] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 07:03:12 916326390 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Ihr habt 'Akademie' betreten. 2020/03/25 07:04:55 916429546 d8e [DEBUG Client 7028] Got Instance Details from login server 2020/03/25 07:04:55 916429546 dab [INFO Client 7028] Just before calling client instance session 2020/03/25 07:04:55 916429546 f9 [INFO Client 7028] Connecting to instance server at 2020/03/25 07:04:55 916429578 1b3 [DEBUG Client 7028] Connect time to instance server was 16ms 2020/03/25 07:04:57 916430984 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : Ihr habt 'Verstecktes Riff' betreten. 2020/03/25 07:20:09 917343687 ac9 [INFO Client 7028] : AFK-Modus ist nun AN. Automatische Antwort: 'Dieser Spieler ist AFK.' I like to play games ... Zuletzt angestoßen am 25.03.2020, 03:18:41
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