Miner Defensives Help
First time miner, struggling with which way to go defensively - More life, more mana for mom, drop MoM, or something else Im missing. Keep in mind I am SSF and only running T6 atm, but give me some goals to aim for.
Also - Playstyle - Do i need to stand back and throw mines and dodge everything including white mobs, or should I be able to just run through stuff, tapping my minefield BL mines as I go and being able to sustain throiugh some small hits, white mobs, some rare/magic packs etc? https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Plains380/characters?characterName=SaladMines 3.8k life (132% added life on tree), 220ES, Acro/Phase acro Using pyromaniac and Born in the Shadows. Using MoM with 800 unreserved mana (reserved is Skitterbots and lvl 8 clarity reserving 129mana). CWDT steelskin lvl 14, enfeeble lvl 12. Decoy totem. Pots: Quicksilver, Diamond, Basalt, Mana, Life. Capped resistances. Movement: smoke bomb, flame dash+blood magic. (I do not have phasing) Mana problems: I have mana problems, not when throwing mines, but when taking hits. and with only 800 unreserved mana I am wondering if I should just drop mom entirely. I have +mana on 4 pieces of gear, but am still not at an ideal life/mana % for mom, and I dont know if that is what is causing me to go pccaisionally go OOM, esp when mobbed, or if it is my mana gen thats the issue. I have 118 mana per sec. The only mana I have from the tree is Arcane will and the Mana+regen node below it, and the 2 4% mana nodes near the cluster jewel top right. I could path to Prodigal perfection or Deep thoughts but i dont think it would be worth it. Life problems: 3.8k is low. With some better rolls eventually on gear I think i should be able to hit 4.5k definitely, but last league I was struggling on my armor characters who had 6k hp. To get 6k hp I'd have to get a lot of life on gear, drop cluster jewels and probably go life wheel and I just dont know if I'm going to regret that in the long term (and have to waste regrets on it as SSF). Evasion: I dont focus on evasion. A lot of the mines guides dont, which surprised me a lot at first. Some do go evasion though. Would it help in the long term, or would it be a waste of tree points and gear rolls to not have a high enough %? Drop Acro/phase acro for a more hybrid approach? I hear the problems with this is it puts a strain on gearing and then you need some way to regen ES too and I dont want to regear and respec only to end up in a worse place than I am now. Put with only 800 mana for MoM, stacking 800 ES instead seems easy. But I might have to drop a sceptre for a shield and lose a fair bit of damage, not to mention losing the dodge/spell dodge. Phasing? When I get mobbed I can usually flame dash oyut of it, but I do occaisionally get stunned or flame dash into another pack or wall or only flame dash 2 feet. Phasing would be great but Id have to drop a flask and I dont think I want to give any of them up. CI: I have no experience with playing CI characters and it doesnt seem like it would be a clear defensive benefit, not to mention losing the "oh crap" button of a life pot. Playstyle: Am i not being defensive enough, ie should i throw mines in the corner of the screen and detonate them before I see any mobs, rather than running til i see some, stunning myself for a bit with minefield, dodging whatever damage while BL kills them, and then moving forward? I know its a lot to read, and looking at my character might be somewhat of an offensive experience, but I really would appreciate any advice. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Plains380#3687 um 17.03.2020, 20:10:39 Zuletzt angestoßen am 17.03.2020, 20:09:10
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