[3.9] CoC For The Poor Purifying Flame/ WoC

I kind of enjoying playing this build so I want to share it.


+Fast clearspeed (not zoom zoom tho )

-Squishy (around 5k8 ehp at lvl 90 with arobactic/phase arobatic)
-Not flashy as CoC Ice Nova

The build circle around the critical chance of
which is quite cheap, but for the cost of low attack speed. That's why I choose to stacking "attack speed on critical strike" on abyss jewel, and a hella lot of them. ( 6 to be exactly)


For mapping t16 with juice (included boss)
1c for 2abyss socket
40c for 2abyss / 1c for 1 abyss
stygian vise of your liking.
most expensive one: 70c
Another ring with resistance.
Leech life with anger watcher eye: 40c
And tons of jewel which cost me around 60c total.
Total cost: around 280c


Body armour: Cyclone - WoC - Purifying Flame - Combustion -CoC
Helmet: Flame dash - Arcane Surge // Can change to bladeball if the clearspeed is not up to your liking.
Glove: CwDT lvl1-Immortal Call - Flammability - WoC if you are using bladefall/ Change to Vaal rf
Vulconus 1: Herald of Ash - Anger - Enlighten 3
Vulconus 2: Faster Attack - Fortify - Whirling Blade
Boot: Precision - War Banner for the accuracy, drop war banner if you dont have money for enlighten 3


Kind of min-maxing items of mine, tree is the same for budget one


ChickenNugget Boy

TwoHorn Boy

Father in law

Any advice is appreciated, pardon my poor english.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von kiyoshikiyo#7904 um 28.01.2020, 09:31:43
Zuletzt angestoßen am 30.01.2020, 10:29:36
Nice idea for build.
You have too much Attack speed though
according to pob your character have 9.59 APS
Cast On Critical have internal cd 150ms 1/0.15 = 6.666 (and with server delay better have 6 APS or less if you don't have cooldown recovery speed somewhere).
Yeah I kind of understand about the overkill of atk speed. But I want to keep it kind of budget so you either have 2 choice over there: life and resist (only for cheap ) plus crit multi instead of atk spd or just use rare boots with cd recovery spd. The same for stygian vise elder with the cd recovery spd. Thank you for the suggest. :)
Looking to see how this build will pan out. The squishy part that you mentioned is a bit concerning. How far have you pushed this btw?
reciprocate schrieb:
Looking to see how this build will pan out. The squishy part that you mentioned is a bit concerning. How far have you pushed this btw?

I done Shaper and red elder. Deathless if you willing to pay attention. I done normal guardian/ elder guardian pretty ok, sometime deathless, sometime it cost 2 portals. And with the fact that I have pretty poor skill and terrible flask timing.
Sirus is another story, I cant seem to down him. I seriously dont know if the issue is I dont understand the mechanic or this build is just too squishy for him.
Anyway here are some videos I just recorded to showcase:
ChickenNugget Boy

TwoHorn Boy

Father in law
Zuletzt bearbeitet von kiyoshikiyo#7904 um 28.01.2020, 09:31:12
osiykm schrieb:
Nice idea for build.
You have too much Attack speed though
according to pob your character have 9.59 APS
Cast On Critical have internal cd 150ms 1/0.15 = 6.666 (and with server delay better have 6 APS or less if you don't have cooldown recovery speed somewhere).

The attackspeed is fine, with 2 spells 12aps would be perfect. CoC cooldown is per skill, not for the gem itself.
_Daath_ schrieb:
osiykm schrieb:
Nice idea for build.
You have too much Attack speed though
according to pob your character have 9.59 APS
Cast On Critical have internal cd 150ms 1/0.15 = 6.666 (and with server delay better have 6 APS or less if you don't have cooldown recovery speed somewhere).

The attackspeed is fine, with 2 spells 12aps would be perfect. CoC cooldown is per skill, not for the gem itself.

So any idea what the breakpoints are then? Say I got about 40% cooldown reduction (highest possible I believe is around 52%). How much attack speed would I need to proc both spells during cyclone assuming I have 100% hitrate and crit?
_Daath_ schrieb:

The attackspeed is fine, with 2 spells 12aps would be perfect. CoC cooldown is per skill, not for the gem itself.

My mistake.
thanks for the explanation

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