Ice Trapper as a Starter anyone have a Tree?

I am not super smart when it comes to builds, and find it more relaxing to follow guides. Anyone have a tree for Ice trap, looks like it got a nice buff ect. How Are Trappers as a Lab Farmer? I was thinking of starting this league as a Lab farmer but all the weapons ect needed to start as Jug may not be available in the first few days?
Zuletzt angestoßen am 08.03.2019, 07:38:41
Look for Pohx, a famous youtuber, he has a skill tree.
I am definitely no expert. This is sort of just for the tree which is really a recycled arc trap tree. There are 4 jewel sockets that can be moved for more survivability at Discipline and Training, or some damage at Hasty Reconstruction or Expeditious Munitions. Overall I think there are around 105 "necessary" points total.

I don't really know what to use for items or skills... If I recall correctly, Tinkerskin isn't very good. Maybe spell dagger and shield? % cold damage, % area, % added cold damage, % crit multi, etc...

Please feel free to ask questions and critique. I want to learn how to theory craft better.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von LaysOriginal#2193 um 07.03.2019, 20:47:23 will start as ice trapper if you are not one of the racers, you can follow his build live, he also makes recap videos after daily farms.
This will be my tree in SSF HC
3.3 RF Trickster SSF HC guide :

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