3.5 Assassin Blade Vortex CI build help
Hi everyone,
I really need some advice/help for my build I’m trying to build ! Actually I totally know that ES for Assasin is not usual for this meta and also I know that a lot of other class would be way better to go full CI. I really want to create a Fully blade vortex CI assassin and I can’t find any recent guide. I have found a couple of guide from 2016 I think before the ES nerf from item but I can’t really follow them since a lot of thing have change Including the passive tree itself. Do you think guys I can achieve a good end game character able to do all of the end game content with a build like a fully CI BV Assasin ? If yes can you told me approx how much ES I can reach with a good build ?? Sorry if I wasn’t clear my first language is not English and I’m kinda new to the game only around 60h game time so I have still a lot of thing to learn but my god I would like to play a assassin CI BV I hope it is possible thank in advance for your precious help :) Zuletzt angestoßen am 23.12.2018, 18:20:47
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