Personal Thoughts:Winter Orb + Cast While Channeling + Blade Vortex Magic Find Build

1.Main Gems Set up
Helmet 8L
Winter Orb
Cast While Channeling
Blade Vortex
Cold Penetration
3 mods from Shaper's
- Increased Base Critical Strike Chance - Suffix
- Hypothermia - Suffix
- Increased Area of Effect+Increased Area Damage - Prefix
1 mod from Essence - Socketed Gems deal more 30% elemental damage - Suffix

Perfect Helmet - Bone Helmet 40% Increased Damage for minions also apply to global Damage by Spiritual Aid node from the passive tree(Implicit)
- Life - Prefix
- Hybrid Energy Shield+Life - Prefix

+Watcher's Eye 30%,Passive Tree take 20% out of the 40%,Hrimsorrow 50% = 100% Cold Conversion Blade Vortex

+Take Assassin's Ascendancy for more Critical Strike Chance and Power Charge,Critical Multiplier

+Yoke of Suffering Shock trigger Inpulsa's Broken Heart

+Reason to Convert 100% to cold : Only needing 1 type of Penetration and easy to modify the damage by Increased cold damage mods etc. replacing hybrid elemental buffs such as Cold and Lightning Resistances

2.Pros and Cons

Pros:Shattering sounds
Fast clearing maps
2 Skills instead of 1 on boss fight
Looks cool
Inpulsa's Broken Heart can be unlinked and not a must for the build
Can do with Magic Finds gears,except of the gloves
!Magic Find Gears:Ventor's Gamble x2,Bisco's Leash/Headhunter if you are rich,Goldwyrm
!Stat Sticks will be nerfed in 3.5,so Winter Orb + Cast While Channeling + Blade Vortex can fill the need of damage of Blade Vortex's Stat Stick's nerf by using 2 skills
!For more safety,Kaom's Heart is good because of you don't need another six links
!Can use Shields for more survivability
!Fire and Cold resistances are easily to cap with the Magic Find Gears,especially Goldwyrm and Bisco's Leash for 50% Fire and Cold Resistances
!Assassin's Mark +Chances to receiving Critical Strike + 95% Capped Chance = Over 100% to deal a Critical Strike + Assassin's Node - Cannot take reflected damage from Critical Strikes

Cons:Expensive Gears(For better game experience)

3.Possible Perfect Gears and Bandits:
Helmet: 8L Bone Helmet - Winter Orb set up (Above)
Body Armour: Inpulsa's Broken Heart/Kaom's Heart - Gems you want to level / No Sockets
Gloves: Hrimsorrow/Hrimburn - Hatred,Herald of Ice,Arctic Armour,Enlighten 4L for Auras and Heralds +30%Cold Resistance
Boots: Goldwyrm - Phase Run,Increased Duration,Efficacy,Reduced Mana 4L for 3.5 Delving
+50%Fire Resistance
Weapon: Rare - Flame Dash,Faster Casting,Arcane Surge Lv7 3L for Mobility and Damage Boost +35% Lightning Resistance
Shield: Rare - Orb of Storms,Curse on Hit,Assassin's Mark 3L for fill the 5% Critical Strike Chance Cap +25% to Lightning Resistance
Belt: Bisco's Leash/Headhunter - No Sockets +35% to Cold Resistance
Amulet: Yoke of Suffering - No Sockets +20% to Fire and Cold,25% to Lightning Resistance
Rings: Ventor's Gamble x2 / Rare - No Sockets +25% to Elemental Resistance for Each Ring
Bandit: Alira +15% to Elemental Resistance
Flasks: The Wise Oak,Divine Life Flask,Quicksilver Flask,Divination Distillate,Taste of Hate/Lion's Roar
Get 65% to Elemental,85% to Cold,70% to Fire,85% to Lightning,At least 10% From Passives
Total = 145%-60%=85% to Cold(Capped),135%-60%=75%to Fire(Capped),135%-60%=75% to Lightning(Capped)

Cold Resistance are the highest,so you can get the penetrations from the wise oak

!Calculating:Cold Penetration :39% for lv20 Cold Penetration,10% at Least for the Wise Oak,6% from the passive node - Heart of Ice = 55%

!Reminder: Cheaper build uses: Unlinked Inpulsa's Broken Heart for 1 Exalted
Hrimsorrow for 1 chaos
Goldwyrm for 1 chaos
Rare Weapon look for 80%+Spell Damage and 70%+Spell Critical Strike Chance = 30 chaos (estimated)
Rare Shield look for 120+Life and that Resistances = 10 chaos (estimated)
Bisco's Leash for 1 chaos
Yoke of Suffering for 40 chaos
Rare Rings with those Resistances = 7~12 chaos for each (estimated)
The Wise Oak = 10 chaos
Divination Distillate = 5 chaos
Bone Helmet = 6L for cheaper >> Hypothermia + Increased Area of Effect = 2 to 3 exalted
Watcher's Eye = 3 exalted

Budget: Farm at least 7 exalted and 110 chaos=1 exalted >> 8 exalted by your first character
And don't use Bisco's Collar for no stats to your gear,Inpulsa's Broken Heart + Yoke of Suffering combo is really nice

Ultra Luxury build uses: Kaom's Heart for 1.5 exalted
Hrimburn for 8 chaos
Still Goldwyrm for 1 chaos
Rare Weapon look for 80%+Spell Damage and 80%+Critical Strike Chance and 30%+Critical Multiplier = 2 exalted (estimated)
Rare Shield look for 120+Life and that Resistances and 50%+Spell Damage and 60%+Critical Strike Chance = 4 exalted (estimated)
Headhunter for 40 exalted
Yoke of Suffering for 40 chaos
These Ventor's Gamble = 1.5 exalted for Each = 3 exalted (for quantity,Positive over 6% is 2.5 exalted for each = 5 exalted (estimated))
The Wise Oak (15%) = 20 chaos
Divination Distillate = 5 chaos
Taste of Hate = 2 exalted
Bone Helmet 8L = 25 exalted (estimated)
Watcher's Eye = 3 exalted

Budget: This is for end game fun,farm at least 62.5 exalted + 114 chaos = 63.5 exalted >>> 64 exalted

So,the price range is 8 exalted to 64 exalted (May drop when at the late league)

4.Tree:Unrevealed Currently

5.Additional Notes: Not a Starter Character
May cause lags because of the Cold Skill Visual Effect

Took 4 hours and my Lunch Time to get this Idea,please leave a comment for any improvement.
Happy Thanksgiving Day!(May update this comment when GGG leaking more news about it)
----------------------------------Time to sleep for hours--------------------------------------
Zuletzt bearbeitet von ImGrindingGear#7543 um 28.11.2018, 05:44:39
Zuletzt angestoßen am 09.12.2018, 09:48:46
Hey i liked the concept you did so how good is it?
im leveling with winter orb as an Elementalist and liking it so far.

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