[3.9] Ryvenn's Arc Trap Build - 6k + EHP - 1.5M SHAPER DPS ALL CONTENT
Hi! You looking for me? 3.9 PASTEBIN : https://pastebin.com/FLDWYHzm
3.9 Changes
Build guide contents are outdated but should still be able to help " Arc is still strong even during 3.8 - now its a bit more viable... we don't know the mods we can get on Conqueror Influenced items but yeah. ;) Here's my Icicle Mine Build! - http://bit.ly/RyvennIcicleMiner Crafting Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennCraftingServices Challenge Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennChallengeServices My Gameplay Playlist - http://bit.ly/PoEPlaylist Youtube Channel - http://bit.ly/SubscribeToRyvenn If you'd like to provide your support click here!
Reminder that if you enjoy the guides i make, you can join my patreon to support me in creating it. Outside of that, I also stream on twitch.tv sometimes, so feel free to stop by and say hi! :) Links to my stuff for those interested: Thanks again for checking the guide! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Ryvenn Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/xRyvenn Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ryvenn_ 3.4 DELVE LEAGUE VIDEOS
The Uber Elder - https://youtu.be/ehCZzgFya_E
The Shaper - https://youtu.be/uc_dzYhdLH4 The Alluring Abyss [Atziri] - https://youtu.be/Tl0xshmVLZ4 The Hall of Grandmasters - https://youtu.be/EX816E0z5kw The Four Elder Guardians - https://youtu.be/_N7MFaPWyQE Aul Kill - https://https://youtu.be/0PGv7mG5xPI Delving At 380 Depth ClearSpeed - https://youtu.be/GBAt20B4tIk Minotaur Kill with Clearspeed - https://youtu.be/fsamwHoE5oI Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel! 3.5 BETRAYAL LEAGUE VIDEOS
Uber Elder with 2 Deaths - https://youtu.be/ijtncPhxitI The 4 T16 Elder Guardians - https://youtu.be/Yw51fFroNHA T16 Vaal Temple - https://youtu.be/wMQCKVDh4Wo Xoph's Pure Breachstone - https://youtu.be/8LJ4pw48Pz0 Low Level Mastermind Syndicate Kill - https://youtu.be/GVuRqEQINmg T13 Safehouse - https://youtu.be/b5HGdRTCGwA The Pale Court - https://youtu.be/6VVaKdgwWBs Uber Atziri with Ai'Alai Completion - https://youtu.be/k8N2hr_Iiwg Against Farrul - https://youtu.be/G2DxPm27HmY Against Fenumus - https://youtu.be/VGQGNQdRAcg Against Saqawal 6-man team[FPS problems] - https://youtu.be/qsoQYpOCpio Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel! ![]() Introduction : Hi my name is Ryvenn and i usually play Path of Exile as an Arc Trapper every league because it just feels so great for me to just throw things on the ground and wait for Arc to kill those mobs for me - yay! So I created this build because i was successful at killing Uber Elder and This build is a Balanced approach on the game to make sure you are able to finish all content. You also do not need to worry about crit chances since we will rely on the 105% MORE DAMAGE MULTIPLIER from ARC's "15% more Damage for each remaining Chain" so this build just focuses on getting more flat damage and "extra chaos damage from shaper stat sticks" 3.8 Changes
Even though we lost the +1 Trap Shaper Gloves for this league - we still got the +1 to Spells and +1 to Lightning spells Global Mods for Weapons which is actually a big PLUS... i think its possible to succeed even greater with it. Why Traps? When do I use EB[Eldritch Battery]? You use EB when you get Tinkerskin. because Tinkerskin can give you 200 ES everytime your trap goes off Q : Hey EB got Changed in 3.5 can i still use it?
![]() What are ENCHANTS?
+ 6k+ EHP [ 5k Life + 2k Mana for MOM ] + Clear Speed is Fast AF + Great DPS even if you only use a mininum budget - EVEN GREATER IF more currency is involved. + 10%+ Life Regen (23% if you have 23 traps) with TinkerSkin ;) CONS
- Can sometimes be one hit by an unknown force in 280+ delves and t16+ maps - Haven't tried HC so i do not recommend. PASTEBIN, LEVELING, PROGRESSION SECTION
https://pastebin.com/RQadp9DX <--- Updated 3.8 Pastebin [/span][/b] PANTHEON CHOICES
If you want more Damage, Resistances and Mana Regen go Help Alira... Kill all of them if you want the 2 points and put it on any nodes you feel that you need.
![]() Saboteur > Perfect Crime > Chain Reaction / Pyromaniac > Pyromaniac / Chain Reaction > Born in the Shadows LEVELING and GEM LINKS GUIDE
ACTS 1-10
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BUILD ENABLERS - Without these we will not be able to do what most of the build can offer but of course there are other sources where you can achieve better stuff than what i have intended for this guide but it will definitely feel different.
This Body Armor is our Whole Build. without this we cannot use EB which makes us sustain a lot of mana and with the EB change which is like a buff to us EB users... its Godly Good. :) This Ring helps us Reserve NO mana at all - which helps us use Clear Mind(A Jewel that Increases your damage as long as you dont reserve mana) giving us full advantage of getting more than 2000 mana Unreserve to give us at least 5k+ EHP NOTABLE UNIQUES
This helmet has what we need Life,Mana and 20% to all Resistances at MAX and a big PLUS because it will only cost you less than 2c to get it :) These boots provide Life, Evasion against spells and 30% Movement speed - Who doesnt want that? Works really well with Phase Acrobatics. GEM LINKS SECTION and PROGRESSION
Level 1-4: Explosive Trap- Less poison Level 4-12: Explosive Trap - Less Poison Flame Dash - Arcane Surge Exlosive Trap For single target, try to stack up them and have the boss walk onto 6 or 7 to one shot the boss and use dual wield wands Level 12-16: Arc - Trap - Trap and mine(Level 16) - Added Lightning You can buy Arc and Trap support from Nessa once you get to Cavern of Anger / Wrath Level 16-18: [Heralds] Herald of Thunder Level 18-24: Flame Dash - Arcane Surge - Faster Casting (Level 18) Level 24-28: You can swap Herald of Thunder with Wrath(Level 24) if you want to - or you could run them both Level 28-34: Replace Explosive Trap with Lightning Spire at Lvl 28 Lightning Spire Trap - Controlled Destruction - Trap and Mine Damage - Added Lightning Level 34-50: 4 Link damage should be more than enough but if you have enough mana for 5L Arc - Trap and Mine - Cluster Traps - Trap Support - Controlled Destruction Level 51-70 If you got a Tabula Arc - Trap and Mine Damage - Controlled Destruction - Added Lightning - Elemental Focus - Trap Support FINAL GEM SETUP
Arc ~ Trap Support(Deerstalker)~ Trap and Mine Damage ~ Controlled Destruction or Elemental Focus ~ Cluster Traps 6 link Arc ~ Trap Support ~ Elemental Focus or Controlled Destruction ~ Lightning Pen ~ Cluster Traps ~ Trap and Mine Damage or Arc ~ Trap Support ~ Elemental Focus ~ Controlled Destruction ~ Cluster Traps ~ Trap and Mine Damage 4 link Lightning Spire ~ Trap and Mine Damage ~ Added Cold / Concentrated Effect ~ Controlled Destruction DEFENSIVE GEM SETUP ( Do this if you're level 40+ and if you have Access to the gems or you could buy them if you got the time. ) CWDT Must be at LVL 1 at all Cost - Right Click on the + Sign when it allows you to level it up 4 Link Phase Run( lvl 3 ) / Enfeeble / Temportal Chains ~ CWDT ( Cast When Damage Taken ) ~ Increased Duration ~ Immortal Call Other 4 Link Molten Shell( lvl 10 ) > CWDT > Phase Run( lvl 3 ) / Enfeeble / Temportal Chains ~ Increased Duration / Vortex / Frost Wall(This is not useful during an Uber Elder Fight) Other 4 Link ( if you do have another 4link Flame Dash ~ Faster Casting ~ Culling Strike(with 20%Quality) ~ Blood Magic Q. Why Culling Strike with Quality? A. It provides 10% increased Attack and Cast Speed which is used for Flame Dash. 3 Link ( If you have no space anymore ) Molten Shell ( lvl 10 ) ~ CWDT ~ Phase Run ( Lvl 3 ) AURA GEM SETUP 3 LINK (on your sceptres) Wrath(if you do not have Essense worm yet) / Portal ~ Clarity ~ Enlighten Note : If you want to use the Clear Mind Jewel - Do not use Clarity On your Build. JEWELS
Normal Jewel Stat Priority:
1. Maximum Life 2. Spell Damage/Spell Damage While Dual Wielding 3. Trap Throwing Speed 4. Lightning Damage 5. Some resistances if you need to get them Abyssal Jewel Stat Priority: 1. Life 2. Added Cold/Lightning to Spells/Added Cold/Lightning to Spells while Holding a Shield 3. Damage Penetrates 2% Elemental Resistances If You Haven't Killed Recently 4. Some resistances if you need to get them 3.4 DELVE LEAGUE GEAR
We Remove CLEAR MIND once we have Aspect of the Spider Total expenses on this build Helm - 60c Tinkerskin - 5ex ( I really got lucky here ) Amulet - 50c i think... Dagger - 2ex - The Area Damage was a Leo T3 Research Ex Slam - got lucky Sceptre - 1ex - The Crit to spell was a Leo T3 Research Ex Slam - got lucky Ring - 30c - AOT Spider was crafted by me and also the crafted Prefix Essence Worm - 55c - Bought it early in the league Boots - 50-80c i think i have forgotten Belt - 1ex Gloves - 50c Total Expenses - 11.03 EX - i seriously got lucky this these items. MY CURRENT SETUP 3.5 15ex +
Q. What's the ideal DPS i should look at if im not using a CRIT build? - if your POB shows at least 70k-100k or more DPS using the same guide... you're on the right track - GO BEAT UBER ELDER! Q. How About Shimmies(Shimmeron)? - Shimmies is still Viable even in this league - but you have to SACRIFICE a lot of things you're going to use this. Q. Mines VS Totems VS Traps ? - Mines are stronger than Traps and Totems but the Clunkiest ( Unless you have coded an Autohotkey for it which i do not know how ) - Totems are for people who Values Mechanics more than anything else - they just put their totem on the battlefield while runnning around. - Traps are the most convenient out of all of three it also might be the weakest(depending on the items) of all of them. Q. How do i play as a Trapper? - You take advantage of Boss Fights before you start the fight - you put all your 23 traps in place and then start the battle ~ giving you a huge damage burst that can sometimes kill bosses(But not Uber Elder and Shaper) in less than 5-10 seconds. Q. Why is Lightning Spire on a 4link rather than Arc? - The main reason for that is DAMAGE(For Arc) because Lightning spire will deal a lot of damage if its a 6link but giving the 6link to Lightning Spire means also Sacrificing your DPS for Arc - of course its still okay to do it that way but 4link - Arc is for Mobs not for Bosses so if you try and go against Uber Elder you will naturally have a hard time since your Arc Doesn't do much damage ( Especially on the 1st and 3rd phase of the Uber Elder fight - but this will only work if you have a lot of damage - in this case if you we were still able to use Shimmerons ) CHANGELOGS
Nov 21, 2018 : Guide Created. Nov 26, 2018 : Added 3 Videos Dec 02, 2018 : Transferred Gem Placements to Equipment Section and Added a few images to the build. Dec 03, 2018 : Added Pantheon Choices also Added The Leveling Guide and 3 Gameplay Videos. Dec 04, 2018 : Added Progression And Skill Point Quests for Acts 1- 10 Special Thanks to Lord_of_Kinder! Dec 05, 2018 : Added 3.5 Changes to EB - and WE ARE SAFE! Dec 06, 2018 : Added Alira on the Progression Section and other stuff. Dec 06, 2018 : Added Budget friendly Pastebin : https://pastebin.com/Uie8ymWx Dec 07, 2018 : Added new Ailment "Sapped". Dec 08, 2018 : Updated Pastebin Link for 3.5 - also removed 23 Traps showcase Dec 10, 2018 : Formatting Changed , Added 3.5 Video and CHANGELOGS brought back after being deleted for 5 hours Dec 11, 2018 : Added Proper Gem Links Section and Jewels Section Dec 13, 2018 : Added T13 Safehouse and Pale Court Video. Dec 14, 2018 : Changed Formatting and other stuff. Dec 16, 2018 : Added 3 new Videos for 3.5 Betrayal League Section Dec 18, 2018 : Added Uniques section in the Leveling Guide Dec 23, 2018 : Updated Pastebin and other stuff. Dec 25, 2018 : Updated Pastebin, Added Saqawal Video and changes on the progression tree. Dec 26, 2018 : Added 4 New Videos on the Guide. Dec 27, 2018 : Added Colors on the Gem Section. Arc Trapper Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennArcTrapper Icicle Mine Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennIcicleMiner Crafting Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennCraftingServices Challenge Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennChallengeServices Youtube Channel - http://bit.ly/SubscribeToRyvenn Zuletzt bearbeitet von xRyvenn#4386 um 13.01.2020, 12:12:55 Zuletzt angestoßen am 12.06.2020, 15:18:02
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Hey buddy great guide just respeced my trapper in standard following your pob link and i love the results next league i will be definitely be going trapper again keep up the good work and i will try and catch you on your stream some time and say hello
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Thank you for the kind words! :D
I will continue polishing this guide to make it worth everyone's time. Arc Trapper Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennArcTrapper
Icicle Mine Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennIcicleMiner Crafting Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennCraftingServices Challenge Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennChallengeServices Youtube Channel - http://bit.ly/SubscribeToRyvenn |
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amazing build man, i really liked how the pob have different trees for different levels. but can you add pantheon choices ?
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" Yeah Definitely!! working on it now.. EDIT : Just Added the Pantheon Choices, My friend! Arc Trapper Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennArcTrapper Icicle Mine Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennIcicleMiner Crafting Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennCraftingServices Challenge Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennChallengeServices Youtube Channel - http://bit.ly/SubscribeToRyvenn Zuletzt bearbeitet von xRyvenn#4386 um 02.12.2018, 22:11:31
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what do you think the best order is for ascendancy?
In incursion I started with Pyro > PC > Chain > Born, but I'm thinking of doing Born > Pyro this league because the blind node is so powerful. |
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" Hi! I did the same thing you did back in Incursion as well... because the QOL you get with Pyromaniac is so useful when you are going inside Merciless and Uber lab, - You can still actually go with Born then Pyro if you want to be more Defensive because the blinding an enemy does gives us +50% to evade them. Arc Trapper Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennArcTrapper
Icicle Mine Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennIcicleMiner Crafting Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennCraftingServices Challenge Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennChallengeServices Youtube Channel - http://bit.ly/SubscribeToRyvenn |
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I'm thinking do your build for my starter on next league. What would be the most optimal way to level with 0 leveling uniques. And how is the mana early levels with arc traps?
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" Hi - Thank you for the interest! In early levels of arc traps... you only need a 4link - Arc - Trap Support - multiple traps - and any other Damage Support gem for your arc traps... to lessen the mana needed to cast arc, and in terms of exploring and killing packs you just need to throw one right click to clear every pack you see. but when i started leveling with 0 leveling uniques as well - mana wasnt much of a problem since we do have mana flasks :) Arc Trapper Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennArcTrapper
Icicle Mine Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennIcicleMiner Crafting Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennCraftingServices Challenge Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennChallengeServices Youtube Channel - http://bit.ly/SubscribeToRyvenn |
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is this a good build to practice uber elder fight? does it get 1 shot by lightning balls?
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