[2.6] CI Crit Arc Occultist

Hello guys!
I want to ask you for helping with my future crit arc CI occultist build.
What do u think about it?
P.S.Back in 2015
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Megummy um 08.03.2017, 11:03:13
Zuletzt angestoßen am 11.03.2017, 13:39:15
Hi there.

I would change the Occultist to Elementalist, because Ele ascendant gives much more elemental damage than occultist does (last one is for chaos builds).
This would be better:


++another tip btw: if you are going for CI build, those "max life" nodes are totally a waste unfortunately, since CI says: "MAXIMUM life becomes 1", so if I were you I'd take those out. I know that you probably took those nodes for the increased shield, but those points are 50% as effective, and we want to use our points AS effective AS possible. :)

Other than that, the build in theory seems correct to me, all you need is a big chunk of energy shield (if you want to keep the CI), and 2 other keystones in conjunction: zealot's oath + ghost reaver. Take out the Vaal pact thou, as it's gonna be useless next to those keystones that I recommended. Get life regen + ES regen, and its a GG =)
Q: How do You know that you're nolife?
A: When You're in Church, you ask the Priest to buff You up with Fortitude...

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