[2.5] Burning Arrow Proliferation - Deadeye

This build is the Ranger version of one of my favourite builds, the "Burning Arrow Elementalist - Witch" (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1649746)

I would like to know your opinion about this. Would it work as good as the Elementalist?


Normal: Oak (Life)
Cruel: Kraityn (Attack Speed)
Merc: Kill all (Point) or Kraityn for the Frenzy charge if you want to use Blood Dance boots


Bow: Xoph's Nurture

Quiver: Drillneck

Head: Rat's nest

Chest: Kaom's Heart

Gloves: Rare
· Attack Speed
· Life
· Resist

Boots: Rare
· Life
· Resist
· Movement Speed

Amulet: Xoph's Blood

Rings: Rare
· Life
· Resist
· Crit chance
· Crit multi

Belt: Dyadian Dawn

Links and gems

5L: Burning Arrow - GMP - Fire Penetration - WED - Pierce (Slower Projectiles instead of GMP for single target)

4L: CWDT - Inc Duration - Immortal Call - Temp Chains

4L: Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks - Fire Golem - Minion Life

3L: Anger - Herald of Ash - Clarity (lvl 5)

Thanks for your help

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Rohak um 31.12.2016, 20:03:06
Zuletzt angestoßen am 23.01.2017, 05:26:17
IMO, GMP just wastes the damage. Burning arrow and xoph's blood provides 100% phys to fire conversion, so xoph's nurture might be swapped to reach of the council (GMP for free), or death's opus (LMP for free and 150 crit multi).
"К сожалению, GGG путают неудобства со сложностью. Везде. Во всём."
why imortal call? i dont see any ways in the passive tree to gain charges :(

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