[3.23] [SC+HC] Righteous Fire (RF) Chieftain: One build to go from Act 2 leaguestart to pinnacles

really fun build helped me as a freshstart
I'm brand new to the game so I don't know how much of a hand-holding question this is, but I was wondering where exactly are we meant to socket the skill gems? I read through the step-by-step a few times but wasn't sure on what piece of armor I was meant to place the gems on as I was adding them. If it's in the POB then I apologize as I'm new to that as well.
Hi, i'm wondering how do you get endurance charges for immortall call? Do you only use charges for enduring cry?
Konanenkis schrieb:
I'm brand new to the game so I don't know how much of a hand-holding question this is, but I was wondering where exactly are we meant to socket the skill gems? I read through the step-by-step a few times but wasn't sure on what piece of armor I was meant to place the gems on as I was adding them. If it's in the POB then I apologize as I'm new to that as well.

My apologies, as by the time I got to this it probably doesn't matter to you any more. The short of it is: it doesn't particularly matter; the guide does tell you how many sockets/how long a link each setup is, but it's up to you to pick where they go; for the most

The PoB does cover it partly, but only the most necessary parts. There's a few things that are needed, but the rest doesn't care where the gems are:

  • Because Fire Trap can have up to 5 support gems, it should go into your body armour (if you arne't using Kaom's heart), as this is the only slot you'll get with enough sockets.

  • Always socket Righteous Fire into whichever item gives you the mods to support this. This will preferably be your helmet (assuming you have an Elder-influence helmet with such mods and the Horror essence mod) or, as a cheaper starter alternative, gloves with the Delirium mod.

  • The remaining items don't matter very much, since it's all 3L or less. Basically, fit them however you can get the sockets.

Nalex83 schrieb:
Hi, i'm wondering how do you get endurance charges for immortall call? Do you only use charges for enduring cry?

I actually consider that section deprecated; I had it listed as (optional) before, but I do not recommend using Immortal Call. Pre-rework, Chieftain had a source of easy endurance charges, but for now, all he has is Enduring Cry.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
A+ for build guides. You are a master. This build is incredibly fun and your guide is very friendly.

Wanted to say thank you for taking the time to put together such an awesome guide.
Below comment is my opinion as experienced, but slow player that has close to NONE reflex and positioning skills.

My experience after running RF Chieftain in SSF - tankiness without specific gear, easy res capping, no need for Maven-limited boots to blow packs helps a lot. Also this build provided me the easiest and no-risk Lab run ever, but I went for different ascendancy picks:
1. Fire res gives other res
2. Explosion
3. Max Fire res defines other max res
4. -20% res enemies when standing still

Explanation to this picsk:
Normal and Cruel lab does not need much dps to be safe, we probably over-level it. Merciless - depending on gear - can be slow. BUT Izaro produces white skeletons. If we blow them up he is dead. No hit to the Izaro, just running around and triggering boom. Same with Final lab - blowing minions up kills him faster then trying to dps him down and/or standing still to get that -20% res bonus. This is especially useful if you go for all ascendancy points - you can take (if you are quick with instant life flask) only few hits from Izaro with shitty gear.
I've taken my first read over the patch notes for 3.23... And from the looks of it it won't take me much to update this.

The short: most of the changes have little bearing on how this build is played. There are some numerical changes, but they don't change any of the mechanics, and more importantly, barely make much of a difference to this build stat-wise. Overall, a few observations:

  • They're reverting the scaling on the RF gem to the old style (purely on your max HP+ES) which means that +level stuff doesn't matter anywhere near as much.

  • On the flip side, this is a nerf to builds with less than 8k life. However, if you're going with a Kaom's, you will easily get >8k life, making this technically a slight buff in damage. Likewise, while leveling with this guide you should still have very high life, and thus damage will be largely unchanged.

  • The elimination of labyrinth helm enchants doesn't have that big an impact. The helmet enchant was nice, but of lower priority than it was on many other builds.

The big wildcard here is how valuable certain types of content will be with the change:

  • This has always been a solid beginner labrunner build, (even if not fast enough for "enchanting services") so the removal of helmet enchants may or may not rendering this type of content pointless. As a slight silver lining, if more rewards are moved to the side-room troves instead of the post-Izaro treasury, this build is suited for dealing with a lot more trap gauntlets, etc.

  • This build is an excellent & easy Heist Farmer. However, I do not know how much the Heist changes (including elimination of alt-quality gems) will affect the viability of Heist as a farming strat.

  • I will confess I'd skipped Ultimatum, so I have no personal experience with how this will fare with it; I can only confidently say that a lot of people will want to do it. So the desirability of this build might hinge partly on how well this'll handle it.

More updates to come over the next week.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
This only has 1.5m dps for RF come league start.
Hemzokuken schrieb:
This only has 1.5m dps for RF come league start.

What do you mean? It's good? It's bad? What only? What is "this"?
Hemzokuken schrieb:
This only has 1.5m dps for RF come league start.

The top end definitely goes above that. Unlike other builds, this one doesn't go with a scant amount of life coupled with an unreasonable number of +1 gem level items. (those builds do get hit fairly hard by the RF change)

Overall, DPS is very close to the same if you were running with Kaom's. I'd been theorycrafting an alternate gearing that would actually see the DPS go up from the rework, but that's been pretty thorny to make work, and will not be ready this week.

Ksakep schrieb:
What do you mean? It's good? It's bad? What only? What is "this"?

I'm guessing that they're following around some of the "RF is dead" doomsaying that's been floating about after they revealed the changes to how RF will scale.

It's kind of funny really, because when I first formulated this build (ages before I wrote the guide) RF... Worked exactly how they're changing it back to.

And in practice, 1.5 million pinnacle DPS on RF means that you're cruising through basically anything but ubers. Since RF doesn't require you stop moving for a moment to deal damage (merely remain "close enough") in practice its boss clear speed is a lot higher at the same DPS than pretty much any other skill in the game, since you're almost always dealing damage; even stuff like trappers still have to pause to chuck out new traps, and then spend a lot of time not dealing DPS because they're avoiding attacks/mechanics. For RF these are one and the same.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster

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