First deathless sirus kill. A6, forgot to set to A8. Did with -40 chaos res, 61 cold res, and no corrupted blood jewel. Lots of room to min-max still.
sold items

it was a very fun build to play and melts sirus and maven super easy
Zuletzt bearbeitet von nessoscar um 28.02.2021, 09:25:18
Is there any trick to getting concentrated effect and increased area of effect support in prefixes or is it just a lot of horror spamming?
Hi !
I need help .. what should I do to not DIE how to make up for this huge degen with shimmerons>
here's my PoB

everything kill me from 1 shot


Zuletzt bearbeitet von Mila89 um 01.03.2021, 01:33:30
Hi guys,

i have invested quite a bit into this build but my damage is absolute ass and i can not figure out why. I have the right spectres and have most of the items but the damage just is not there. I try to compare the the stats from the original POB and my and i can not figure it out. I am offering 2ex to the first person who can help me out. Here is my POB


thanks a lot in advance.
Mila89 schrieb:
Hi !
I need help .. what should I do to not DIE how to make up for this huge degen with shimmerons>
here's my PoB

everything kill me from 1 shot



6/8 ascendancy and you're lacking the most important one. Otherwise get your tree fixed, you're lacking an insane amount of HP, you shouldn't have 3k5 hp + 3k5 ES. Aim for more life than ES. The build can reach pretty easily 4k5 life. Probably 6k to 6k5 with expensive gear. The tankiness of the build comes from momentum. To get the momentum going you need to survive the ramp up of cast speed coming from the ascendancy you're lacking, and HP does that, the ES is only used during momentum.
DonRagout schrieb:
Hi guys,

i have invested quite a bit into this build but my damage is absolute ass and i can not figure out why. I have the right spectres and have most of the items but the damage just is not there. I try to compare the the stats from the original POB and my and i can not figure it out. I am offering 2ex to the first person who can help me out. Here is my POB


thanks a lot in advance.

Your damages should be good. Are you sure you're not fucking something up in the gameplay ?
Hey guys, so sorry. Had a family emergency crop up taking me out of action for a good couple of weeks. Will do my best to catch up and answer questions now.
💥💫BB Unloader 1000% AoE 70m DPS🗡️🔪🔫: view-thread/3466787
FlickerCoC Ice Nova / Spear Assassin: view-thread/3225536
🔨⚡CWC Lightning Conduit Mjolner Trickster: view-thread/3300148
VD Arcanist Brand Necro: view-thread/2911667
primaeva schrieb:
Hey guys, so sorry. Had a family emergency crop up taking me out of action for a good couple of weeks. Will do my best to catch up and answer questions now.
hope everything is okay
Carmondai89 schrieb:
I am crafting for this on the side and getting closer...also leveled a char from which I might switch.

Current progress:

Had to remove the Immolate mod as the helmet just wouldn't roll Hypothermia.
I didn't dare roll over the Arc enchant, but I am not sure if it's even that good on this helmet, anyone got an idea if I should keep it? More or less same question: How important is the Arcanist Brand enchant? I did some Harvest Labs yesterday and i might try a few more but chances are slim ofc.

Also regarding the chest: How important is the ES regen mod? I got T1, but I have to remove the ES prefix....should I lock suffixes to save the ES regen mod?


hey sorry! had a family emergency and stopped gaming for a fortnight there.

The Regeneration mod does nothing in fact! (Immortal Ambition disables it). So go ahead and roll it off. I think I was trying to see if I could hit the def or something but it went wrong. (can be removed with Remove Def and made into a useful suffix.)
💥💫BB Unloader 1000% AoE 70m DPS🗡️🔪🔫: view-thread/3466787
FlickerCoC Ice Nova / Spear Assassin: view-thread/3225536
🔨⚡CWC Lightning Conduit Mjolner Trickster: view-thread/3300148
VD Arcanist Brand Necro: view-thread/2911667

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