[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Great guide,

Love pestilent strike and having been looking for a build for one.

Looking forward to starting this character.

Just curious why no plague bearer?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Echoalpha um 27.12.2019, 18:20:48
Should I rush to 6L Perfect Form?

Pestilent Strike is great. Survivability is nice as well. But red-tier maps are starting to get dangereous. Tho I do have lots of upgrades to make.
is there an attack speed cap?

I feel like I already have a lot of attack speed. If I annul int or stun duration off then I can add on attack speed?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von dmitriya1 um 28.12.2019, 02:49:05
There's no realistic cap on attack speed, no. More hits = more poisons = more gooder.

Edit: One thing I think you could add to the gearing section as a fun luxury item is a Brutal Restraint jewel. I picked one up with some extra currency after getting my claws + Perfect Form and it splashes something like 60% poison damage, Onslaught on kill for 8 seconds and some flask charges + cold res in exchange for a jewel socket.

The free Onslaught is incredible, and it can even roll stuff like faster poison damage and +MaxLife. Strongly recommend once you're comfortable dunking on Awakened 8 conquerers/T16 bosses.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Sandevasfootball um 28.12.2019, 03:59:14
Hey mate, I'm the guy who added you asking why I couldn't activate Aspect of the Spider after getting my enlighten and you helped me... Just got my first deathless Awakener level 8 Sirus kill using this build! Thanks very much, it's super fun and good!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von arfunzals um 28.12.2019, 13:59:47
well shit annuled off the psn chance/dmg

kinda want to annul the stun and int and multi mod it but that aint happening lol.
well shit annuled off the psn chance/dmg

kinda want to annul the stun and int and multi mod it but that aint happening lol.

umm it's a bleed claw though.
Paperfysh schrieb:
well shit annuled off the psn chance/dmg

kinda want to annul the stun and int and multi mod it but that aint happening lol.

umm it's a bleed claw though.

well shit
Zuletzt bearbeitet von dmitriya1 um 28.12.2019, 16:28:16
Paperfysh schrieb:
well shit annuled off the psn chance/dmg

kinda want to annul the stun and int and multi mod it but that aint happening lol.

umm it's a bleed claw though.

well shit.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von dmitriya1 um 28.12.2019, 16:27:51
I have added a jewel search here for those who need it. It has all the possible damage modifiers for both abyss and normal jewels.

There are four count columns:

One for damage modifers, one for life mods, one for resist mods and the last one for attribute mods.

Customise it to your liking.

I'm gonna change the damage modifers to weighted sums later on. Don't remember how to do it in pob. Need to find the guide again. Or if anyone can do it go ahead and update the search. Weighted sum is a better way to find the best jewels.


Zuletzt bearbeitet von kompaniet um 28.12.2019, 19:04:55

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