[3.11] Brittleknee’s Cold Elemental Hit Deadeye for Magic Find - Rags to Riches Guide Inside!

Would voidfletcher / rigwald's be better for damage if I have Endless Munitions?
Is Elemental damage with attacks better than Inspiration ?
This world is an illusion, exile
PITOKO-FROXO, technically it's 11% more, but i don't think it will be comfortable IRL because of mana cost. Your unreserved mana pool will be enough to cast ele hit once (not considering mana regen and mana leech). + map mod cannot regen life/mana.
Also it's less crit => less quantity proc from windripper.
PS - PoB is extremely powerful and useful tool.

PPS - is "increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments" as a corruption implicit good on lioneye's fall? ele pen and inc dmg looks weak in PoB (<1%).
Zuletzt bearbeitet von brzroman um 21.04.2020, 02:28:50
Hey, can anyone inspect my character? cause somehow i`m doing only 63k dps according to POB, with maxed out lvl and stuff
Retgarko schrieb:
Hey, can anyone inspect my character? cause somehow i`m doing only 63k dps according to POB, with maxed out lvl and stuff
Change your lvl 16 ele hit for a lvl 20 one and you should see improvement in damage.
I can't seem to kill the boss quickly in T7 Burial Chambers. Any idea on what I'm doing wrong?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von RewQew um 23.04.2020, 21:52:15
RewQew schrieb:
I can't seem to kill the boss quickly in T7 Burial Chambers. Any idea on what I'm doing wrong?

She does not kill the boss. The point is kill Quick and TP out at Boss.
I'm having little problem with single target damage during leveling on acts. Do you have any tips or suggestions?
Which one would be better? I feel like my damage is really low (Takes a while to kill yellow mobs), and if the Voidfletcher is better, should I go for GMP instead of LMP? Thanks
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Jekersep um 27.04.2020, 11:17:47
Jekersep schrieb:
Which one would be better? I feel like my damage is really low (Takes a while to kill yellow mobs), and if the Voidfletcher is better, should I go for GMP instead of LMP? Thanks
In addition, heres my gear if it helps
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Jekersep um 27.04.2020, 11:18:25

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