TC Frost Blades Ranger (New Conversion & Sword / Ele nodes)

Theorycrafted build based on the changes coming in 2.6 I believe both the shadow and ranger efficiency of nodes will be pretty nutty for Frost Blades, there is already a lot of synergy in these areas and improved pathing + one hander buff + sword and claw buffs + frost blade and cold conversion buffs made me get a little moist. Maybe there is hope for the skill?

With Touch of Anguish x2 you can effectively use Frost Blades without the chain skill gem and 60% of its damage is converted. It was also stated in the manifesto that there will be additional conversion Nodes. Likely getting us to 100% physical conversion. The downside of the weapon seems to be that crits don't always Freeze. With the Master Alchemist Ascendancy you have a 20% base chance to freeze.
You could also use a Doryani's for another 10% freeze during flask effect.

Since we will be able to visit other leagues in 2.6 it would also be possible to pick up The Taming for another 5% and very good % Ele Dmg.
Southbound Gloves are also an option for clear and have a cool synergy with the taming.
Since we are Phys converting Taste of Hate also makes sense and is very good offensively/defensively.

I am curious if Claws or Swords will win out for this build I have a feeling crit sword nodes will outscale claw utility especially since the duelist leech nodes are moving to the bottom of the tree near my path netting swords easy leech nodes.

I also am unsure how this build will fair in terms of survival and even with the buffs and nerfs to Aoe skills if it will compete with other tier 1 builds.

Single target is probably going to be the biggest issue. Refitting the tree for better survivability once we get patch notes shouldnt be hard.
Thoughts? Feedback much appreciated
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Disterric um 22.02.2017, 22:25:56
Zuletzt angestoßen am 01.03.2017, 10:49:41
Not sure
Enjoy Legacy!!!!
yeah. I will be updating my guide for pathfinder and raider when we get a tree.
Its just too early still. the massive changes to the passive tree, and 1h weapon damage will just throw EVERYTHING up into the wind.

Regardless it WILL be a huge dps buff for frostblades.

I expect the cold conversion in passive tree to be more like 5-10%. So, I think 70% conversion is what we will have.
Flash freeze was NOT very point effective. But, the conversion nodes will be behind it. Making it required. also with higher conversion, FF itself will be more effective. So, I would expect 6points required there.

Revenge of the hunt, etc are supposed to be "better positioned" so we might be pathing up through there.

tons of 1h weapon buffs.
The huge increase to cold conversion, makes ALL of the physical damage passives in the tree much more potent.
Crit is super efficient. But, with this higher elem conversion, we might get more power from raw phys, and conversion. (espeically with the nerf to foil crit multi.) Same applies with moving fatalblade. Fatalblade+slashingetc might require a higher point investment.

Souldrinker claw node will be dual leech on all attack damage. great buff for claw/ToA.

ToA itself will be getting a base damage increase, AND again, much higher Frostblades damage from higher cold conversion.
Chain for FB is massively, Massively overrated. But ToA's raw damage is pretty solid.

Dreamfeather also getting a quad buff though.... will IT be the choice for raiders? flat acc innate, +10 local added weapon damage, and phys to cold conversion via FB and passives...
Again, that high amount of conversion makes ALL psychical WEAPONS suddenly super competitive with elemental ones.
Even Str and melee physical.

Pointblank is awful for frostblades. you dont want that even if you path through there.
natures adren is amazing. you want that over vet bowyer.
Master surgeon took a hit. But, the bleed immunity is still nice. And so is the life recovery.
flask effect+life recovery+crit flask recovery+INSTANT LIFE FLASKS is a hidden GG for pathfinders, no one talks about. you don't really even need vaal pact with instant life flasks, which can refill during combat, and have a ton of flask effect.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Casia um 01.03.2017, 10:59:25

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